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发布时间:2018-09-19 07:45
【摘要】:飞天是佛教艺术中一种独特的形象,她们的轻盈体态、流利舞姿深深吸引着大众的视线;尽管在佛教经典中并无对飞天的详细文字记录,但飞天的优雅身姿却在佛教艺术中频繁出现。飞天这一形象伴随着佛教艺术传入中国之后,在今天的新疆地区到敦煌、河西地区,或者是中原地区的石窟造像及壁画中都可以看到飞天形象的出现。 时代的脚步不曾停留,传统工笔人物画也随着时间推移发生了巨大变化,由原来的单一轮廓演变到兼具审美、装饰及写意特性的形式,如何在传承传统艺术的基础上寻求其突破点及创新性是值得我们思考的。壁画飞天这种绘画艺术表现形式所具备的实用性及丰富性、写实及雄浑精神、以及在表现手法上兼收并蓄的态度,也可以渐渐地被融入到现代艺术表现手法中,甚至是现代工笔人物画的艺术表现中。随着时间的推移,人们审美意识的不断演化更新,虽然这种艺术表现形式已渐渐被历史侵蚀,然而在保留原有绘画的基础上,却更增加了历史的印迹,呈现出丰富的色彩及多变的肌理效果。笔者试图将其丰富的艺术元素融入现代绘画艺术表现当中,特别是在现代工笔人物画的创作中。在对现代工笔人物画的创新具有极其深刻的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:Flying in the sky is a unique image in Buddhist art. Their lightness and fluency attract the attention of the public, although there is no detailed written record of the flying sky in the Buddhist scriptures. But the graceful posture of flying sky appears frequently in Buddhist art. With the introduction of Buddhist art into China, Feitian image can be seen in the cave statues and murals from Xinjiang to Dunhuang, Hexi and Central Plains. The pace of the times has not stopped, the traditional meticulous figure painting has also undergone great changes with the passage of time, from the original single outline to a combination of aesthetic, decorative and freehand brushwork characteristics of the form, How to seek its breakthrough point and innovation on the basis of inheriting traditional art is worth our consideration. The practicality and richness of the artistic form of frescoes, realism and vigour, as well as an attitude of eclectic expression in the technique of expression, can also gradually be incorporated into the modern artistic expression. Even in the artistic expression of modern meticulous figure painting. With the passage of time, people's aesthetic consciousness is constantly evolving and renewing. Although this art form has gradually been eroded by history, but on the basis of preserving the original painting, it has increased the historical imprinting. Presents the rich color and the changeable texture effect. The author tries to integrate its rich artistic elements into the artistic expression of modern painting, especially in the creation of modern meticulous figure painting. It is of great significance to the innovation of modern meticulous figure painting.


相关期刊论文 前2条

1 王志强;;自由飘洒话飞天——佛教艺术形象解析[J];美术大观;2007年10期

2 陈剑;;飞天的美学意蕴[J];艺术探索;2007年02期




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