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发布时间:2018-09-19 08:05
【摘要】:社会飞速发展到今天,插画艺术已经不再是单纯作为辅助文字的形式出现,它的载体也不仅仅是书籍或报纸杂志。插画可以说已经成为了一门独立的跨学科专业,在艺术和商业的领域中大放光彩。随着工业时代的来临,印刷技术的出现使插画艺术的发展进行了一场很大的变革,插画的传播变的更为便利和广泛。而摄影技术的出现使插画面临了一段时期的萧条,照片逐渐替代了插画在杂志书籍中的地位。但在经历了摄影图片占领杂志广告的时代之后,人们不再满足于那些现实精准的图片,从而对现代插画有了更多的期待和要求。如今,人们对于插画艺术的兴趣正在全面复苏。插画既不是单纯的艺术,也不是广泛意义上的平面设计。90年代中后期随着电脑技术的普及,更多使用电脑进行插画设计的新锐作者涌现,软件和手绘板结合使用,使得数码插画能够高效率生产跟上市场的需求,而效果也逼近手绘插画。而现代插画的表现形式也不仅仅是二维平面的了,甚至于三维、四维。现代插画艺术不再局限于书本、杂志、广告等平面媒介,在网络甚至于空间环境中都可以看见插画的“身影”。插画表现手法也变的多种多样,从传统手绘向数码艺术发展,还出现摄影、拼贴、立体化,混搭等表现形式,在大家都追求个性化的今天,插画这一艺术形式深受广大爱好者们的喜爱。 插画艺术的应用领域也变的更为广阔,它所能够带来的艺术价值和商业价值是不可限量的。在后工业社会文化背景下,我们的社会成为了一个信息大爆炸的非物质社会,人们开始追求艺术化的生活方式,在此之下蕴育出了品牌与插画家的跨界合作,同时越来越多的艺术家围绕着插画作品展开一系列的活动,生产周边产品,逐渐形成相对独立的产业。这些插画师由插画形象开发独立商品,建立以插画形象为基础的独立品牌。没有材料限制,没有手法限制,没有媒介限制,现代插画以其包容性、大众性和灵活性将各个学科无界限化的融合在一起,经过不断变化发展,已形成形式多样且风格鲜明的视觉形式,达到传递信息以及劝说、告知、教育和娱乐大众的目的。在当今复杂多变却又开放的社会环境中,作为最直接和最具表现力的艺术形式之一,插画将艺术与商业紧密结合在一起。在这样一个文化碰撞,技术高度发展的时代,插画己经突破原有的样式,发展成新兴的艺术形式并影响着我们的生活文化,而各类媒介的出现让插画的发展达到了一个新的高度。 本文提出了一个插画“无界化”的概念,通过对于现代插画与传统插画的对比,从现代社会的文化、经济、政治背景深入研究插画,分析研究现代插画从功能、创作思维、艺术特征、应用等方面的新特点,来阐述插画这一艺术形式在当今社会中的作用、艺术价值、商业价值。指出目前为何会出现插画无界化的现象,分析并提出这一现象带来的新气象,并且对插画的发展趋势进行了分析和展望。对插画和插画教育今后的发展方向进行预测,为了迎合时代的发展,现代插画艺术培养应自成一派,启用跨学科的学习模式,使用建构式的学习方法,不断创新,打破固有思维,培养现代社会所需要的专业插画人才。插画不再是依附于平面设计下的一个分支,也不是为艺术界所“不耻”的一门艺术类别。中国现代插画将出现表现方式无界化,传播媒介无界化,,各个领域与插画艺术家跨界合作的共同发展新时代。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of society today, illustration art is no longer a mere form of auxiliary writing, and its carrier is not only books or newspapers and magazines.Illustration has become an independent interdisciplinary profession, in the arts and commercial fields of great brilliance.With the advent of the industrial age, the emergence of printing technology. The development of illustration art has undergone a great change, and the spread of illustration has become more convenient and widespread. The emergence of photography technology makes illustration face a period of depression. Photography gradually replaces illustration in magazines and books. Nowadays, people's interest in illustration art is reviving. Illustration is neither simple art nor graphic design in a broad sense. With the popularization of computer technology in the mid and late 1990s, more and more people use computers to design new illustrations. The emergence of cutting-edge authors and the combination of software and hand-drawn boards have enabled digital illustrations to be produced efficiently to meet the needs of the market, and the effect is close to hand-painted illustrations. The network and even the space environment can see the illustration of the "figure". Illustration has become a variety of ways of expression, from traditional hand-painted to digital art development, but also photography, collage, three-dimensional, mix and other forms of expression, in everyone's pursuit of individualization today, illustration this art form by the majority of fans love.
The application field of illustration art has become broader, and the artistic and commercial value it can bring is limitless. Under the background of post-industrial society and cultural background, our society has become a Non-material Society of information explosion, and people begin to pursue artistic life style. Under this background, brand and illustrator have been bred. At the same time, more and more artists carry out a series of activities around illustrations to produce peripheral products and gradually form a relatively independent industry. Modern illustration, with its inclusiveness, popularity and flexibility, integrates various disciplines without boundaries. Through constant change and development, it has formed a variety of visual forms with distinct styles, which can convey information and persuade, inform, educate and entertain the masses. In today's complex and changeable but open social environment, as One of the most direct and expressive forms of art, illustration combines art with commerce closely. In such an era of cultural collision and highly developed technology, illustration has broken through the original style, developed into a new art form and influenced our life and culture, and the emergence of various media so that the development of illustration to achieve. A new height.
This paper puts forward the concept of "unbounded" illustration, through the comparison between modern illustration and traditional illustration, from the cultural, economic and political background of modern society in-depth study of illustration, analysis and study of modern illustration from the function, creative thinking, artistic characteristics, application and other aspects of the new characteristics, to elaborate the illustration of this art form in today's society. The role of the meeting, artistic value, commercial value. Points out why there is an unbounded phenomenon of illustration, analyzes and puts forward the new climate brought about by this phenomenon, and analyzes and prospects the development trend of illustration. Predicts the future development direction of illustration and illustration education, in order to meet the development of the times, modern illustration art. It is no longer a branch attached to graphic design, nor an art category "unscrupulous" for the art community. Modern Chinese illustrators will There is a new era of unbounded expression, unbounded media, and cross-border cooperation between various fields and illustrators.


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1 韩笑;;论哥特电影造型[J];装饰;2009年11期




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