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发布时间:2018-10-05 20:06
【摘要】:中国传统绘画中,肌理一词并没有得到广泛的使用,当时,人们受到重“笔”轻“制”思想的影响,肌理制作效果也没有得到发展。随着时代的发展和思想观念的转变,人们受到西方文化、材质的影响以及对画面的感官要求,使得肌理制作成为人们表现画面的一种手段和载体,并逐渐演变成组成画面的一种元素。 在当代中国画创作中,肌理的表达手法各式各样、种类繁多,不同类型的肌理带来了不同的画面效果。为了能够更好地理解并将肌理运用到自己的绘画创作中,本论文主要从中国画的层面对肌理的类型以及与其他元素的关系进行研究。通过对名家画面中肌理效果的分析理解,对画面肌理进行了创造性探索:一、对于三十多种肌理表现手法从三个角度进行了类型的把握。1.从肌理给人的感官感受角度,将肌理分为视觉、触觉两种,,在视觉优先型的肌理制作中,材料肌理展现出了与笔绘肌理不同的制作效果,触觉优先型从立体空间的角度对中国画平面化的表现手法有所突破。2.从肌理对描绘对象的表现形式角度,将肌理分为抽象性表现、具象性表现两种,抽象性肌理更多地强调了中国画中“意象”的表现,具象性肌理侧重于利用不同的肌理制作体现物体质感。3.从肌理传达创作主体情感角度,将肌理分为强调画家自身情感的主观感性肌理、以客观物象纹理为基础的客观理性肌理、感性理性结合肌理三种类型。二、肌理与画面中构图、造型、色彩等组成元素的关系。在进行画面疏密、虚实、节奏感等构图处理时,肌理制作能起到加强、减弱画面空间效果、拉开画面层次感等方面的作用。在造型中塑造物象的质感、立体感时,肌理制作有增加画面视觉效果、立体效果的作用。在处理画面色彩和谐、背景色彩层次感时,肌理制作能起到衔接过渡、协调统一的作用。三、肌理备受关注的原因在于肌理制作生发了画家创作中的旨趣性和欣赏者的兴趣,增加了画面的形式感和层次感,呈现了特有的艺术样式。另外在运用肌理制作追求画面效果的同时,应把握好“度”。其中从三个角度对画面肌理的类型把握和画面肌理与其他组成元素的关系这两章是本论文的重点和创新点。期望这些探索对创作者在理解和运用肌理时有所帮助。
[Abstract]:In the traditional Chinese painting, the term texture was not widely used. At that time, people were influenced by the thought of "valuing pen" and "light", and the effect of texture production was not developed. With the development of the times and the change of ideas, people are influenced by the western culture, material and the sensory requirements of the picture, which makes the texture making become a means and carrier for people to express the picture. And gradually evolved into a composition of the picture of an element. In the contemporary Chinese painting creation, the texture expression technique is various, the variety is various, the different type texture has brought the different picture effect. In order to better understand and apply texture to his painting, this paper mainly studies the types of texture and the relationship with other elements from the aspect of Chinese painting. Through the analysis and understanding of the texture effect in the screen of famous artists, this paper makes a creative exploration of the texture of the screen: first, the author grasps the types of 30 kinds of texture expression methods from three angles. From the point of view of sensual feeling given by texture, the texture is divided into two types: visual and tactile. In the production of visual preferential texture, the texture of material shows a different effect from that of brushwork. Tactile priority from the perspective of three-dimensional space of Chinese painting flatness of expression techniques have a breakthrough. 2. From the point of view of the expression form of texture to the description object, the texture is divided into abstract performance and concrete expression. Abstract texture emphasizes the expression of "image" in Chinese painting. Figurative texture focuses on the use of different texture to reflect the texture of the object. 3. From the point of view of texture conveying creative subject's emotion, the texture is divided into three types: subjective perceptual texture emphasizing painter's own emotion, objective rational texture based on objective image texture and perceptual rationality combined with texture. Second, texture and picture composition, modeling, color and other components of the relationship. In the processing of picture composition, such as density, reality and rhythm, texture can strengthen, weaken the effect of screen space, and pull back the sense of image hierarchy. The texture can increase the visual effect and stereoscopic effect. In the process of color harmony and background color stratification, texture making can play a cohesive and unified role. Third, the reason why the texture is paid close attention to is that the texture production gives birth to the purport of the painter and the interest of the appreciator, increases the sense of form and level of the picture, and presents the unique artistic style. In addition, the use of texture in the pursuit of screen effects, should grasp the "degree." It is the emphasis and innovation of this paper to grasp the types of screen texture and the relationship between screen texture and other constituent elements from three angles. It is expected that these explorations will be helpful to creators in understanding and applying texture.


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