[Abstract]:In the study and practice of printmaking, the expression of specific formal language is not clear enough. Therefore, we will learn to learn from the experiences and techniques of many predecessors and teachers to deal with the picture, so that the schematic language of the picture can be governed by law and evidence. But on the other hand, if there are too many imitations or references to others in the works, it seems that the imagination and creativity of art should be lost. In the history of Chinese and Western printmaking, there are too many excellent works passed down in every era. In addition to their exquisite techniques and proper handling of the picture relations, what is more important is to pass through the pictures. Can reflect the spirit of that era and the unique features of the times. The author, as a student studying printmaking, should constantly learn and understand the essence of traditional printmaking, but at the same time, should try to find other possibilities in the schematic language of printmaking to break through some inner boundary of printmaking. The author has also made a similar attempt in the past, trying to explore whether the printmaking works must be like "prints", where the boundary of printmaking is and how big its extensibility is. This paper intends to discuss whether the print has its inner boundary and the new possibility through the combination of the text and the picture materials from the angle of creation.
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