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发布时间:2018-10-07 18:23
[Abstract]:The image is solid, the environment is empty, the empty cannot be separated from reality, and it is not equal to reality. This is a realm of Chinese painting, and like black and white in color, black is solid, white is virtual; black is everything, while white is empty. Through the simple arrangement of black and white gray, the colorless space can be displayed. After the change of history, black and white is still a kind of fashionable pursuit, decorating all aspects of our life, making our life design more hierarchical. Because there is night, will look forward to the day; because there is white paper, black and white is more clear; because there is black and white can highlight the rich color, articles Lin Lang. "Black" and "white" affect our life, and are also used by us. Although there are many kinds of color, black and white are still popular, the colorful life with black and white gray is more colorful.


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1 上海大学美术学院教授 潘耀昌;“道内象外”[N];美术报;2013年

2 上海大学美术学院 潘耀昌;“道内象外”[N];美术报;2012年

3 陈e,




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