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发布时间:2018-10-08 06:48
【摘要】:我们往往只能看到事物的表象,而无法触摸事物背后的真相,通过艺术作品去表达事物背后的意义,表达人物内在的意识形态,是所有艺术家追求的境界。 绘画是一种平面的视觉艺术,,它只有两度的维次,但如果它能够契合人的视觉经验而使人感觉到艺术上的真实,则能够表现出物质世界中的物质空间和精神世界中的精神空间。 空间在美术作品中的应用有着很长的发展历史,也在不断的进步,早期的绘画作品中空间的范畴比较狭隘,局限于物理上的几何空间范畴,主要注重于对形态内外空间的理解,着重刻画物体与环境的关系。追求平面性空间与无限深远感的三度空间的结合,依靠空间的深度和前后关系将二维的绘画平面拓展到三维的立体视觉,通过平面化的处理来表现空间感觉。 随着画家对艺术理解的加深和不断的探索追求,艺术家对作品的要求不仅仅局限于对现实世界的叙述,他们找到一种方法来揭示人物的内心世界,尝试将现实观念与本能,潜意识等糅合在一起,从而创造一种绝对的超越的真实,产生了超现实主义。 在分析了大师们对空间在绘画作品中如何表现的方法后,借鉴其他艺术作品表现平行空间的经验,我在作品中利用了人们的一些习惯认知,采用了道具和象征的手法来实现平行空间在二维画面中的体现,尽力来达到一种穿透表象,揭开面具,直接审视隐藏的灵魂的效果。
[Abstract]:We often can only see the appearance of things, but can not touch the truth behind things, through works of art to express the meaning behind things, to express the inner ideology of characters, is the realm that all artists pursue. Painting is a kind of plane visual art, it has only two dimensions, but if it can fit in with human visual experience and make people feel the artistic reality, then it can show the material space in the material world and the spiritual space in the spiritual world. The application of space in art works has a long history of development and continuous progress. In early painting works, the category of space is relatively narrow, confined to the scope of geometric space in physics, focusing on the understanding of the internal and external space of form. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between objects and environment. The combination of plane space and three dimensional space with infinitely profound sense is pursued. The two-dimensional painting plane is extended to three-dimensional vision by the depth of space and the relationship between the two dimensions, and the spatial feeling is represented by the processing of planarization. With the deepening of the artist's understanding of art and the constant pursuit of exploration, the artist's request for his work is not confined to the narration of the real world. Instead, they find a way to reveal the inner world of the characters and try to put the realistic ideas and instincts into practice. Subconscious and so on mixes together, thus creates a kind of absolute transcendental reality, produced surrealism. After analyzing the masters' methods of how to express space in painting works, and learning from the experience of other works of art, I have used some people's customary cognition in my works. The method of props and symbols is used to realize the embodiment of parallel space in the two-dimensional picture, to achieve a penetrating appearance, to lift the mask, and to examine the effect of the hidden soul directly.


相关期刊论文 前2条

1 啸声;爱德华多·纳兰霍[J];美术;1994年07期

2 阎学武;;从空间认知到形态表现[J];美术大观;2007年06期

相关硕士学位论文 前1条

1 孔繁涛;绘画中的象征性浅谈[D];中央美术学院;2008年




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