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发布时间:2018-10-08 07:31
[Abstract]:From the perspective of painting practice, this paper mainly studies the narrative characteristics of characters combination in traditional Chinese figure painting, that is, how artists use character combination to realize the narrative expression of painting works. Chinese figure painting has a long history, it has obvious narrative function from the beginning of its birth, and the combination of characters is often regarded as the main body of narrative, involving the development of concrete plot, which is closely related to each other. At the same time, painting as one of the carriers of narrative, has its own limitations, through the continuous practice of painting, the narrative function of artists has become more mature and complete. This article will discuss from two chapters, the first chapter briefly introduces the historical variation of the narrative theme of Chinese traditional figure painting, and the importance of the character combination for exerting the narrative characteristic of the figure painting. In the second chapter, through the collection of traditional figure painting works of representative significance, we will conduct a detailed interpretation and analysis, from the whole to the part, from the visible external arrangement to the invisible inner atmosphere, to study it. Learn the ancients for the realization of the narrative characteristics of figure painting, in the management of characters combination. And through summing up, sorting out the above art expression techniques, combining their own understanding, discussing its aesthetic value and its practical application in contemporary Chinese figure painting, on the basis of absorbing and inheriting the outstanding painting tradition of predecessors, Explore the Chinese figure painting in the contemporary more diversified face, to this ancient art into a new vitality.


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