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发布时间:2018-10-10 10:29
【摘要】:油画作为一门外来的艺术传入中国,在我国的发展也有近200多年的历史,,但我国对油画本身艺术语言的研究很少,在西方传统绘画中以材料为载体所形成的间接绘画技术得到了前所未有的发展,这也奠定了材料在古典绘画中的地位。在我国作为油画三大语言的“材料”的个案研究更是不多,在我国由于各种条件的限制,我们对古典油画材料的研究还没有那么全面。 改革开放之后,随着工业革命的进步、科技的发展,国内外艺术交流的加强,艺术家的审美意识也发生了转变,越来越多的艺术家转向了对材料技法的深度研究,材料在作品中的运用所产生的视觉冲击力受到大众的欢迎,更多的人们愿意接受这种视觉上的享受,这也促使艺术家们展开了对材料技法的大范围探索和运用。本文通过对古典油画材料技法演变历史的梳理来探讨古典油画材料技法对现代绘画艺术创作的影响,现代绘画艺术从传统古典油画技法中吸取了很多的精华元素,我国现代油画艺术家通过对西方古典油画大师作品的研究之后创新了自己的绘画技法,像徐芒耀,许江等一辈的艺术家对古典油画的研究以及材料技法的革新,这是对古典油画技法的继承,也是一种拓展。尤其是古典绘画材料技法在现当代绘画艺术中的运用可以看出材料技法原来从属的地位已经不复存在,材料技法在艺术作品中越来越多的起到更直观的传达艺术家思想的载体,从老一辈艺术家对材料技法的创新可以看出材料技法在我国的重视程度,以及把材料技法课程引入到我国高等院校中,聘请国外的材料技法大师来我国高等院校讲学,引入材料技法方面的书籍都能看出材料技法在现代绘画中的地位.如果想把材料技法运用得很熟练,系统地学习还是非常有必要的.材料技法课程在现代高等院校中系统地开展正好给年轻一代提供了学习的机会,通过系统地学习可以很好的把握材料技法过程中的度,通过学生的毕业创作看材料技法在创作中运用情况,以及在现代艺术创作中古典材料技法的美学价值。
[Abstract]:As a foreign art, oil painting has been introduced into China for more than 200 years. However, there is little research on the art language of oil painting in our country. The indirect painting technology formed by the material as the carrier in the western traditional painting has been developed unprecedented, which has also established the position of the material in the classical painting. The case study of "material" as the three major languages of oil painting in our country is even less, because of the restriction of various conditions in our country, our research on the classical oil painting material is not so comprehensive. After the reform and opening up, with the progress of the industrial revolution, the development of science and technology, and the strengthening of art exchange at home and abroad, the aesthetic consciousness of artists has also changed. More and more artists have turned to the in-depth study of material techniques. The visual impact produced by the use of materials in the works is welcomed by the public, and more people are willing to accept the visual enjoyment, which also urges the artists to explore and apply the material techniques in a wide range. This paper discusses the influence of classical oil painting material technique on modern painting art creation by combing the evolution history of classical oil painting material technique. Modern painting art absorbs a lot of essence elements from traditional classical oil painting technique. Modern oil painting artists in China have innovated their painting techniques after studying the works of Western classical oil painting masters. Artists such as Xu Manyao and Xu Jiang have studied classical oil paintings and innovated their material techniques. This is the inheritance of classical oil painting techniques, but also an expansion. In particular, the application of classical painting material techniques in modern and contemporary painting art shows that the original subordinate position of material techniques has ceased to exist, and more material techniques play a more intuitive role in conveying artists' ideas in their works of art. From the innovation of the older generation of artists to the material technique, we can see the importance of the material technique in our country, and introduce the material technique course into our country's colleges and universities, and employ the foreign material technique master to give lectures in our country's universities and colleges. The introduction of material techniques in books can see the position of material techniques in modern painting. If you want to use the material techniques very skillfully, systematic learning is still very necessary. The systematic development of material technique courses in modern colleges and universities provides the young generation with an opportunity to learn. Through systematic learning, they can grasp the degree of material techniques in the process. The application of material technique in creation and the aesthetic value of classical material technique in modern art creation are viewed through students' graduation creation.


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