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发布时间:2018-10-10 18:06
【摘要】:如果说印象主义绘画给色彩争取了更多的自由,那么表现主义的最大贡献是将色彩的表现推向极至。对表现主义绘画来讲,,色彩更接近色彩规律本身和人的情感与观念,而不在于使用它来描绘叙述客观。正如科林伍德断言,“真正的艺术都是表现性艺术”。如罗兰巴特所言“不再与自然色彩相符了,色彩便开始出现”。 从色彩语言上的突破继而延伸到现成色彩进入画面,即艺术家选择现成色彩图像或现成色彩材料应用于画面,这是绘画艺术的思维性拓展,也是材料作为绘画语言主体在画面中开始持有话语权。 十九世纪末开始材料逐渐从画面中的载体转换为语言主体的存在,开始从绘画的再现到表现过渡,色彩和造型也随之得到突破,这是时代发展的必然。每当出现新的事物,人们都会去探究它的价值和意义所在。艺术家的表达和材料选择的多样化使绘画语言的秩序发生了新的转变,所以便有了重构的绘画新秩序这个话题。围绕这一切审美趣味审美标准自然随时代而发生着变化。笔墨当随时代。这也是艺术家和时代共同成长的必然。
[Abstract]:If Impressionist painting has won more freedom for color, the greatest contribution of expressionism is to push the expression of color to the extreme. For expressionist painting, color is more close to the color law and human feelings and ideas, rather than the use of it to describe the objective narrative. As Collingwood asserted, "all real art is expressive art." As Roland Bart put it, "colors begin to appear when they are no longer in line with natural colors." From the breakthrough in the color language to the ready-made color entering the picture, that is, the artist chooses the ready-made color image or ready-made color material to be applied to the picture, which is an extension of the thinking of the painting art. Is also the material as the subject of painting language in the picture began to hold the right to speak. At the end of the 19th century, the material gradually changed from the carrier in the picture to the existence of the language subject, and began to transition from the reproduction of painting to the expression, with which the color and shape also got a breakthrough, which is the inevitable trend of the development of the times. Whenever something new appears, people will explore its value and significance. The diversity of artist's expression and material choice makes the order of painting language change, so there is the topic of reconstructing the new order of painting. Around all these aesthetic taste aesthetic standards naturally change with the times. Pen and ink should follow the times. This is also the artist and the times to grow together inevitable.


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1 本报记者 宋佳p




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