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发布时间:2018-10-12 06:39
【摘要】:中国画的“意”不是虚无飘渺,玄而又玄,更不是凭空造出的,是生活中通过敏锐细致观察挖掘别人易忽略、而又能真正感动自己的东西,通过重组合表现出作者从大自然中所体验到的人生某种理想、境界,使观者获得认识上的启迪和共鸣。意包含立意、意境、意象等。 艺术创作更不是生活素材的简单拼凑,是在“意”的指导下对现实生活的艺术加工,使之源于现实而又高于现实,达到现实中并不能完全实现的美好意境,艺术创作的实质就是在抒写“胸中逸气”,在寄寓画家的情思中给人带来美好的享受。从某种意义上说,,中国画的“意”是一种创造,是个性化的体现,是一幅艺术品的价值所在。本文主要通过了解意的内涵,解读古今工笔人物作品,从中认识、学习指导实践,认识到当下创作中存在的问题。
[Abstract]:The "meaning" of Chinese painting is not vague, metaphysical, nor made out of thin air. It is something in life that can be easily ignored by others through keen and careful observation, and which can really move itself. Through the recombination of the author from nature to experience a certain ideal of life, realm, so that the viewer to obtain the understanding of enlightenment and resonance. Meaning includes intention, conception, image, etc. Art creation is not a simple patchwork of life materials, but also an artistic process of real life under the guidance of "meaning", which is derived from reality and is higher than reality, and achieves a beautiful artistic conception that can not be fully realized in reality. The essence of artistic creation is to express the spirit in the chest and bring people a wonderful enjoyment in the emotion of the artist. In a sense, the meaning of Chinese painting is a kind of creation, the embodiment of individuality and the value of a piece of art. Through understanding the meaning of meaning, this paper interprets the works of ancient and modern meticulous characters, from which we can learn and guide the practice and realize the problems existing in the present creation.


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