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发布时间:2018-10-12 14:34
[Abstract]:In the development of painting landscape painting as a separate category of painting and occupies a very important position in both Chinese and Western art. At first, landscape painting is the attachment of other painting types, which appears as the background of figure painting or religious painting. After a long period of development and evolution, landscape painting has gradually become a kind of independent painting. Chinese oil painting landscape originates from Western painting. Earlier, it paid more attention to the use of techniques and materials; paid attention to the composition of colors and shapes; and so on. However, it did not pay enough attention to the humanistic spirit. It was not until after the May 8th thought swept through China that everyone's aesthetic consciousness began to slowly improve, the understanding of the beauty of things deepened, and people began to think that artistic works, especially oil paintings and landscape works, It is necessary to seek the atmosphere with artistic conception. Artistic conception is the highest state of expressing the beauty of Chinese painting and the important meaning of art works. The artistic conception is the painter through each kind of expression technique carries on the portrayal to the objective thing, thus they express the thought emotion, may reach the realm of the emotion and the scene blend. The expression of artistic conception can make the audience imagine through the appreciation of the works of art, so that they can be infected by the author. Therefore, it can be said that an excellent artistic painting is not only to have an accurate appearance, but also to express the artistic conception. Landscape painting should be more so. The central idea of landscape painting is artistic conception. Full of the painter's feelings for objective things. Whether there is artistic conception is an important part of judging the success of landscape painting. When the artist finds the nature, he can also find himself, listen to the beautiful melody of nature, listen to the silent music among the mountains and the people. This article is discussed through five chapters. The first chapter is to elaborate the connotation of artistic conception and the proportion in art creation. The second chapter, a brief overview of the development of western oil painting landscape in the different artistic conception of different expressions, and then through the study of typical western oil painting landscape works to explore the impact of western oil painting landscape on Chinese oil painting landscape. The third chapter mainly describes the development process of oil painting landscape in our country, and expounds the artistic conception of modern Chinese oil painting landscape, synthesizes each painter and their representative works, carries on the explicit elaboration to the modern oil painting landscape artistic conception expression development tendency of our country. The intention is to propose aspects that can be used for reference and learned. The fourth chapter is to summarize and plan the future development of contemporary Chinese oil painting landscape. Chinese contemporary oil painting landscape has an indispensable position on the art stage, and I believe it will emit more and more dazzling light.


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