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发布时间:2018-10-12 15:13
【摘要】:现代科学技术日新月异,越来越多的数码产品能够瞬间地记录人们的图像,这些图像通过微信、微博、等多种途径不断地充斥着我们生活中的各个方面,目前已经形成了一个应接不暇庞大的图像世界。繁多图像照片的涌入给人们在视觉上带来了疲劳,根本打动不了人们的内心世界,也不能引起欣赏者心灵上的共鸣;更不能引导人们对现实社会人文精神的思考,也不能体现出时代的精神特征。在日常生活中面对图像人们已经变得麻木不仁、熟视无睹了。而木刻肖像画艺术好似一捧心灵清泉,可以浇灌出体现时代的精神之花。艺术家通过成功的木刻肖像画作品来体现一个时代的人文精神和社会正能量的价值观。在人类绘画艺术的长河中已经创作出了许多经典的木刻肖像画作品,如赵廷年《鲁迅》、李桦《怒吼吧中国》、力群《饮》等。 本文研究的内容是视觉艺术中的木刻肖像画艺术,通过分析成功的木刻肖像画作品,剖析其深层的情感因素和解读外在的形式美感,最终使当代木刻肖像画能最大程度地发挥其积极的艺术功能,,并且能紧紧把握时代的脉博,体现出当今社会生活的人文精神特征。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern science and technology, more and more digital products can record people's images in an instant. These images are constantly flooding all aspects of our life through WeChat, Weibo, and other channels. At present has formed a huge picture of the world. The influx of numerous images and photographs has brought people visual fatigue, which cannot move people's inner world at all, nor can it arouse the sympathy of the appreciators in their hearts; nor can they lead people to think about the humanistic spirit of the real society. Nor can it reflect the spirit of the times. People have become insensitive and blind to images in their daily lives. And woodcut portrait art like a handful of soul spring, can water the spirit of the times. Artists embody the humanistic spirit of an era and the values of positive social energy through successful woodcut portraits. Many classic woodcut portraits have been created in the long stream of human painting art, such as Zhao Tingnian's Lu Xun, Li Hua, roaring China, Li Qun, drinking, and so on. The content of this paper is the art of woodcut portraits in visual art. Through the analysis of successful woodcut portraits, the deep emotional factors and the external aesthetic sense of form are analyzed. In the end, the contemporary woodcut portraits can exert their positive artistic function to the maximum extent, and grasp the pulse of the times closely, reflecting the humanistic spirit characteristic of the social life today.


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