[Abstract]:The formation of Chinese painting language has been passed down and developed through the past dynasties, and it is a unique art form of the world art forest. The way of thinking and practice of art is elusive, the expression of language is changeable, the way of life is different, the attitude and habit are different, and the formation of artistic language is also different. Painting language insinuates the wisdom and thought of the painter, the unique thinking system embodies the reality of the artist's perceptual level, and the unique artistic language creates different artistic characteristics. The creation of Chinese painting is emotional. In essence, Chinese painting creation is a way for painters to express their thinking activities and aesthetic feelings. Therefore, excellent Chinese painting works are rich in emotional color and ideological connotation. The development of art itself has two sides, many traditional, classical Chinese painting works to bring us full support and reference, at the same time, they also bring a burden and conservatism. So learning tradition is not to copy tradition, not to learn everything in tradition, but to learn selectively. When the traditional Chinese painting language cannot express its thoughts well, directly and comprehensively, it will break through the shackles of the original artistic language and courageously seek, explore and create new ways of language. To make their thoughts more direct, clear, and strong personality. Similarly, the exhibition of classical works not only makes us see the development and progress of Chinese painting, but also bears the spirit and characteristics of the times. The most important feature of these works is that the contents of these works are all objectively based, not by imagination and random compilation, but by "sketching" of objective objects. "sketching" does not have to consider too many shackles brought about by traditional painting, which not only solves some problems caused by the direct quotation of traditional Chinese painting language, but also deepens the author's personal feelings of facing the object. And then promote the painter's own initiative. To sum up, in view of some problems encountered in the process of Chinese painting creation, as well as the classical works to bring us some inspiration, as well as the essential connotation and significance of sketching embodied in the comprehensive conclusion: Chinese painting can not be separated from sketching.
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