[Abstract]:The main content of this paper is to explore the formation of Chen Zizhuang landscape painting style. The logical starting point and foothold of his research are the discussion of his life history and style of his works. Through the analysis of Chen Zizhuang's landscape painting works, it is concluded that the greatest features of his works style are: simple and clumsy shape; vivid, free and easy; composition, plain and shallow, mostly small; plain and innocent artistic conception, unhappy opportunity. For Chen Zizhuang landscape painting style, its research conclusions are as follows: 1. His forthright and stubborn personality and suffering of life, is his painting style formation of the innate basis. 2. Reading and reading painting, cumulative, improve their own vision and self-cultivation, established their own artistic proposition. 3. No direct teacher relationship, teacher mind, free choice. 4. He lived in the land of Bashu all his life, loved the water of Bashan and Shu, knew it in his heart, focused on his mind, and established his creative theme. 5. Full of Bashan Shu water experience and sketch, refined his unique artistic language. The second is to study Chen Zizhuang's influence and contemporary enlightenment. In the process of discussing Chen Zizhuang's style of works, this paper tries to trace back to the source and tentatively excavates some aesthetic roots and aesthetic psychology associated with the style characteristics of Chen Zizhuang landscape painting.
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