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发布时间:2018-10-16 13:09
【摘要】:在文化多元化、思想个性化、艺术低俗化、生活趋同化、消费全球化的撞击下,当代油画也面临着诸多问题。其中最为突出的便是艺术精神的弱化,这使得当代一些油画呈现出精细媚俗、平淡油滑、重形式不重韵致或是色彩怪诞离奇等现象。我们提倡油画作品中的意境表现,这也是油画作品中不可或缺的精神内涵和审美追求。虽然它产生于千年前,但它蕴含着当代油画发展的较大可能性,其中对意境表现内涵的探讨,对于促进油画审美的研究、实现油画创作实践的创新,促进高校油画方向研究生创作能力的提高,注重探索性与时代性的结合,具有较好的理论探讨和实践应用参考价值。 意境是一种直观感觉的东西,是指在特定的环境中,瞬间触动人的心灵的审美感受;油画意境在作品中体现的抽象精神必须依托作者主观情感的流露,通过对物象本质的挖掘,,各种“技巧”的具体运用,达到超越物化层面的精神境界。 本文将通过当代油画现状的分析,研究和阐述传统审美观念———意境在当代油画表现中的美学思考和重新建构。通过对固有绘画理念中意境的探究及驾驭,对前辈油画创作中意境的领悟和研究来发掘其在画面中的表现;从而建构和充实自己的意境表达理念。在自己的油画创作中将采用意境表现的绘画理论与创作实践,作为其探究的内容,对油画中所存在的众多问题进行整理与深入探寻;并从审美的视角探索油画意境表现在美学上的文化价值和审美特征。
[Abstract]:Under the influence of cultural pluralism, individuation of thought, vulgarization of art, assimilation of life and globalization of consumption, contemporary oil painting also faces many problems. One of the most prominent is the weakening of artistic spirit, which makes some contemporary oil paintings show fine vulgarity, plain and smooth, heavy form not rhyme or strange color phenomenon. We advocate the expression of artistic conception in oil painting, which is also an indispensable spiritual connotation and aesthetic pursuit in oil painting. Although it came into being a thousand years ago, it contains a great possibility of the development of contemporary oil painting, in which the discussion of the connotation of artistic conception can promote the research of oil painting aesthetics and realize the innovation of oil painting creation practice. To improve the creative ability of graduate students in the direction of oil painting in colleges and universities, and pay attention to the combination of exploration and times, it has good reference value for theoretical discussion and practical application. Artistic conception is a kind of intuitionistic feeling, it refers to the aesthetic feeling that touches people's soul instantly in a specific environment, the abstract spirit embodied in oil painting artistic conception in the works must rely on the exposition of the author's subjective emotion, through excavating the essence of the object image, The concrete application of various "skills" has reached the spiritual realm beyond the materialization level. Through the analysis of the present situation of contemporary oil painting, this paper will study and expound the aesthetic thinking and re-construction of the traditional aesthetic concept-artistic conception in the contemporary oil painting performance. Through the exploration and control of the artistic conception in the inherent painting concept, to understand and study the artistic conception of the older generation oil painting creation to explore its performance in the picture, thus construct and enrich their artistic conception expression idea. In his own oil painting creation will adopt artistic conception performance painting theory and creation practice, as its inquiry content, carries on the arrangement and the thorough exploration to the oil painting existence many questions; And from the aesthetic perspective to explore the artistic conception of oil painting in the aesthetic expression of cultural value and aesthetic characteristics.


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