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发布时间:2018-10-16 14:14
【摘要】:本文由新疆主题性油画的发展入手,来分析新疆地区主题性油画教学。通过对教学资源、教学主体、教学方法的分析,重点探讨新疆主题性油画在教学过程中的发展思路。 作为当前美术界的重要创作现象,“主题性油画”不仅是创作上的倡导,还是对绘画风格样式的实践追求。“主题性油画”一词是从前苏联援引而来。新疆地区的油画创作对前苏联的主题性油画的创作模式、绘画语言、题材表现等进行了广泛的吸收和借鉴,并沿用至今。本文在第一部分对主题性油画的概念作了界定。经过半个多世纪的发展,其题材内容表现是多样的,其发展过程都有着鲜明的时代印记和阶段性特征。文中第三部分对其发展的不同阶段和题材进行梳理。新疆油画发展的现状和种种原因使得新疆地区以主题性油画创作为主题的油画教学任重而道远,如何进行特色教学,如何挖掘地域文化资源,,并融入到油画教学中,这是新疆本土油画教学值得深思的问题。因而在第四部分文中分析了新疆主题性油画创作与本土特色教学的关系。目前新疆高等院校油画专业的教学无论是在教学机构和教学资源和教学主体都随着高校学科的建设而加强,无论是教学机构还是教学主体,都具有新疆独特的地域特色和文化特色,这正是与其它地区的不同之处。因而新疆高等院校油画教学的结果直接影响新疆油画创作的艺术定位和价值取向,也决定着新疆主题性油画创作的的未来。本文的第五部分就新疆高等院校油画专业教学的历史、教学机构、教学资源与教学特色做了详尽的分析。在第六部分针对新疆高等院校油画专业教学主体进行分析,并在油画专业的课程设置、教学方法、教学内容、教学机制等方面进行分析并给出建议。文章通过六大部分来研究新疆主题性油画教学,旨在为新疆高等院校的油画教学提供参考。
[Abstract]:This paper starts with the development of thematic oil painting in Xinjiang to analyze the teaching of thematic oil painting in Xinjiang. Based on the analysis of teaching resources, teaching subjects and teaching methods, this paper focuses on the development of Xinjiang thematic oil painting in the teaching process. As an important creative phenomenon in the field of art at present, thematic oil painting is not only the advocacy of creation, but also the practical pursuit of the style of painting. The term "thematic oil painting" was quoted from the former Soviet Union. The oil painting creation in Xinjiang region has absorbed and used for reference to the former Soviet Union's thematic oil painting creation mode, painting language, subject matter performance and so on, and has been used to this day. In the first part, the concept of thematic oil painting is defined. After more than half a century's development, its subject matter content is diverse, its development process all has the distinct time mark and the stage characteristic. In the third part, the different stages and themes of its development are combed out. The present situation and various reasons of Xinjiang oil painting development make the oil painting teaching with the theme of oil painting creation in Xinjiang area have a long way to go, how to carry on the characteristic teaching, how to excavate the regional cultural resources, and integrate into the oil painting teaching. This is Xinjiang native oil painting teaching is worth pondering. So in the fourth part, the relationship between Xinjiang thematic oil painting creation and local characteristic teaching is analyzed. At present, the teaching of oil painting major in Xinjiang colleges and universities, whether in teaching institutions, teaching resources and teaching subjects, is strengthened with the construction of disciplines in colleges and universities, whether in teaching institutions or teaching subjects. All have unique regional and cultural characteristics of Xinjiang, which is different from other regions. Therefore, the results of oil painting teaching in Xinjiang colleges and universities directly affect the artistic orientation and value orientation of Xinjiang oil painting creation, and also determine the future of Xinjiang thematic oil painting creation. The fifth part of this paper makes a detailed analysis of the history, teaching institutions, teaching resources and teaching characteristics of oil painting major in Xinjiang higher education institutions. In the sixth part, the author analyzes the teaching subject of oil painting major in Xinjiang universities, and gives some suggestions on the course setup, teaching method, teaching content, teaching mechanism and so on. This paper studies the thematic oil painting teaching in Xinjiang through six parts in order to provide reference for oil painting teaching in Xinjiang colleges and universities.


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