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发布时间:2018-10-16 17:02
【摘要】:原生态语言是一种天然而纯净的原生语言,让人在自由与和谐之中享受天然。我们研究儿童原生态语言的目的在于儿童的原生性行为和心里语言更接近原生天然,儿童存在创造,从孩子出生的混沌性到其学习及成长的过程,孩子的思维尤如有生命的植物需要良好的环境(充足的C02和阳光,水等)一样也是在生长的。进一步了解与成人的“大思维”的联系,儿童成长也需要良好的环境(内在以及外在的环境等因素),让我们以艺术的眼光去审视这种纯粹的自然,发现那一份原生,揭开儿童思维的面纱,以一种新的“活语言”来保护和引导孩子纯真,寻找孩子最初的那一份混沌,保持那一份原生态的生长。我们的研究方法通过发现儿童到接近儿童,再到了解儿童,从研究其表象到分析其内心,从开始的出生到语言的形成,从简单的痕迹涂鸦到自我个性的形成,无一不显现了儿童的想象力与无穷的创造力。越来越会发现儿童身上的美和神秘,走进儿童的原生绘画,原生的儿童绘画中有很值得我们探讨和思考的问题,最初的不被影响的绘画直接表现儿童内心得便是原生态的儿童绘画。将儿童的艺术涂鸦与绘画大师的对比,发现儿童与绘画大师的不同和相同之处,用这种方式去启发我们新一代儿童的成长!儿童艺术家有时透漏着艺术大师的气质,而随着长大这种潜能渐渐消失,儿童创造性的保持与维护是很重要的。以艺术的眼光重新审视,将个体创造性思维重构。 虽然近年成人化的儿童画不断受到人的追捧,但是儿童的创造力与本真已经慢慢变弱甚至消失,这种现象是一种不好的现象,我们如果真的要保护儿童的那一份天真,儿童本身的创造力就不应该被泯灭,加强对儿童行为心理以及原生绘画的重视,保护儿童的那一份创造,这需要我们大家的共同努力,更深程度上保证我们国家教育的本真发展是更加重要的,通过探究儿童绘画,发现儿童本身的一些特质。儿童绘画反映人类的原生心理,儿童绘画的简化意识也是一种发展,儿童的混沌性以及非理性想象等都是值得我们细细思考的。在大自然中各种生物也有着向简化趋势的发展。也许这种简化也代表了一种趋势。在儿童的成长发展中,简不是不完整,复杂也是简单的集合。去发现儿童的创造力,去保护儿童的本真!
[Abstract]:Primitive language is a natural and pure native language, which allows people to enjoy nature in freedom and harmony. The purpose of our study of children's original language is that the children's original behavior and mental language are closer to the original nature, and the children are created, from the chaos of the child's birth to the process of learning and growing up. Children's minds are growing just as living plants need a good environment (sufficient CO2, sunlight, water, etc.). Further understanding the link with adult "big thinking", children also need a good environment (internal and external environment and other factors), let us look at this pure nature from an artistic point of view, and discover the original. By lifting the veil of children's thinking, we can protect and guide the innocence of children with a new "living language", search for the original chaos and maintain the growth of the original ecology. Our research methods range from finding children to getting close to children, to learning about children, from studying their appearance to analyzing their innermost, from birth to language formation, from simple graffiti to the formation of their own personality. All show children's imagination and boundless creativity. More and more will find the beauty and mystery of children, into the children's original paintings, native children's paintings are very worthy of our discussion and thinking. The first unaffected painting directly expresses the child's inner heart is the original children's painting. By comparing children's art graffiti with painting masters, we find the differences and similarities between children and masters of painting. In this way, we can inspire the growth of our new generation of children! Children artists sometimes reveal the qualities of masters, but as they grow up, it is important to maintain and maintain their creativity. To re-examine and reconstruct individual creative thinking from an artistic point of view. Although adult children's paintings have been increasingly sought after in recent years, the creativity and authenticity of children have gradually weakened or even disappeared. This phenomenon is a bad phenomenon. If we really want to protect children's innocence, The creativity of children themselves should not be extinguished. We should pay more attention to children's behavioural psychology and original painting, and protect the creation of children, which requires the joint efforts of all of us. To a greater extent, it is more important to ensure the true development of education in our country. By exploring children's painting, we can find some characteristics of children themselves. Children's painting reflects the original psychology of human beings, and the simplified consciousness of children's painting is also a kind of development. The chaos of children and irrational imagination are all worthy of our careful consideration. In nature, all kinds of living things also have a tendency to simplify. Perhaps this simplification also represents a trend. In the development of children, Jane is not incomplete, complex and simple collection. To discover the creativity of children, to protect the true nature of children!


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1 冯玉云;;如何提高儿童绘画兴趣[J];艺海;2005年05期

2 陈,




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