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发布时间:2018-10-17 20:13
[Abstract]:The topic of this graduation design is "straight face"-the study of color expression in oil painting creation. The development of oil painting has experienced a long process of transformation from classical painting to impressionist painting, post-impressionist painting, and then to modern art. The color of traditional oil painting stage is only the vassal of modeling, it is mostly used to express the inherent color. In the contemporary art stage, the color expression of oil painting mostly serves the art itself. In oil painting creation, it pays more attention to the freedom and primitive artistic expression. Contemporary painters pay more attention to the catharsis of their emotions and the interpretation of their own artistic characteristics. When the painter after a variety of styles, schools and the spirit of the times, the combination of their own emotions and color theory knowledge in the creation, in order to better present the artist's personal artistic style. Color performance works as the ultimate art, painters need rigorous color theory to support the diversity of color changes in creation, artists can not use a single color model to create. In accordance with the standard of professional degree and master thesis given by the school, this paper, through three parts, combs the representative characters and their works with outstanding color performance, mainly analyzes and summarizes the painter's emotional experience and the color performance of the picture. This paper expounds the author's mental course in the process of creation. The first part is the picture of the work. After the pre-screening of the materials, the finished pictures and some derivative works are created, and the pictures of the creative process are displayed according to the theoretical research. The second part is the theoretical report, which is divided into the demand report, the theoretical research report, Process report and research summary. Mainly to the color performance outstanding representative personage and the work carries on the correlation analysis. Exploring the practical value of color expression research on the basis of theory, providing theoretical support for its own research and creation, is also the core research part of this subject. The third part is the creative process report, on the basis of theoretical research, to determine the concept and ideas of personal creation. From the source of creative inspiration, creative ideas and creative process to elaborate. For the color performance of the theoretical study of practical application and summary. Based on the oil painting creation, any small direct or indirect feeling of the painter can make him grasp the opportunity of the color feeling, and then stimulate the painter's accumulated emotional perception and deep thinking on the reality, and express the subjective idea through the color channel. Combining the subjective feeling of the painter with the theory of color, and then relying on the intuitive feeling in the creative process to express the color, can create the unique artistic style of the painter, thus producing the resonance with the viewer. The graduation design in the form of canvas oil painting, combined with color performance theory and market research, straight face series oil painting creation. This paper tries to analyze the evolution and development process of oil painting color concept and the difference of color expression in modern oil painting art from the angle of oil painting creators. In the process of modern oil painting development, oil painting artists began to pay attention to the subjective color of the work, but also pay more attention to exploring their own artistic style. It is expected that the research on this subject will be helpful to the practice of oil painting creation. "straight face" series oil painting creation is intended to express the emotional expression of color in the oil painting. This work mainly completes four 80*100cm canvas paintings to express the subjective color feelings of the creators. And the creation of works in the derivatives market to meet the diversified needs of customers.


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