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发布时间:2018-10-17 21:09
【摘要】:黑格尔:“一个艺术家的创造能力的强弱不仅取决于对表现对象的想象力,作为实践者,他的创造力还要取决于对工具材料的理解程度和驾驭能力”。 版画历史进程是跟随科技与文化的发展而发展的。创新技术与大胆应用材料成为了版画发展的重要属性与特点。目前各个画种的艺术家们关注点之一就是材料自身的特殊属性与艺术表现力之间的相互关系与完美融合。目前,世界范围内,因为西方先进工业技术的发展,感光材料与版画的结合得到更多的实践与认可,材料不断的进行试验和创新,,反复的试验与实践都在不断扩充和拓展版画这一拥有特殊符号的画种。感光材料与版画的结合是在铜版画与摄影技术结合之后复制图像才变得更加便利快捷,印刷业取得了长足的进步,利用机械工具复制艺术作品是时代发展的一种新的方式。同时,伴着化工材料的发展,版画艺术工作者对新型感光材料在版画中的应用、拓展和研究都更加深入和具体,具有时代意义。 结合理论,作者试验如下: 试验:1、曝光阶段试用数字投影放大方式对丝网感光胶进行直接曝光,使用重氮感光溶液DM-I配比敏光剂进行制作,由试验得出简单可行的中小画幅丝网版画制作的简单方法。2、放弃紫外线光源,使用双U型72W色温5000K进行阶段曝光,观察感光胶周围的曝光锐度和颗粒密度。 结论:1、成功使用MISASUBI HC1100(性能参数、德州仪器0.62英寸的DarkChip2DMD面板,标准分辨率1280×720像素,亮度输出为1000流明,对比度为3000:1。DP3020数字电路)直接在涂有感光乳胶的丝网上进行曝光,得到与传统紫外线曝光大致相同的结果,但是细节的表现欠佳,曝光时间约是传统紫外线曝光的3倍需要25分钟。2、使用双U型72W色温5000K进行40-50分钟曝光,试验效果与传统紫外线相同,细节表现完全相同,但曝光时间要比紫外线曝光长5倍左右,这种方法适合版画工作者在低成本与无紫外线灯光辐射的环境下自由创作。
[Abstract]:Hegel: "the creative ability of an artist depends not only on the imagination of the object, but also on the understanding and control of the material as a practitioner." The historical process of printmaking follows the development of science and technology and culture. Innovative technology and bold application of materials has become an important attribute and characteristics of printmaking development. At present, one of the focuses of artists of all kinds of paintings is the mutual relationship and perfect fusion between the special properties of materials and their artistic expressiveness. At present, worldwide, because of the development of advanced industrial technology in the West, the combination of photographic materials and printmaking has gained more practice and recognition, and the materials have been continuously tested and innovated. Repeated experiments and practices are constantly expanding and expanding printmaking, a painting with special symbols. The combination of photosensitive materials and printmaking is that after the combination of copperplate and photography, it becomes more convenient and faster to copy images. The printing industry has made great progress, and the use of mechanical tools to copy works of art is a new way of the development of the times. At the same time, with the development of chemical materials, the application, development and research of new photosensitive materials are more in-depth and specific. In combination with the theory, the author's experiments are as follows: 1. In the exposure stage, the direct exposure of the screen photosensitizer is carried out by using digital projection amplification, and the photosensitizer of diazo photosensitive solution (DM-I) is used to make the photosensitizer. A simple and feasible method for making small and medium screen prints is obtained. 2. The ultraviolet light source is abandoned, and the exposure acuity and particle density around the sensitive glue are observed by using double U 72W color temperature 5000K. Conclusion: 1. MISASUBI HC1100 (performance parameter, Texas instrument 0.62 inch DarkChip2DMD panel, standard resolution 1280 脳 720pixel, brightness output 1000 lumen, contrast 3000:1.DP3020 digital circuit) was used to expose directly on the screen coated with photosensitive emulsion. The results were roughly the same as those of conventional UV exposures, but the details were poor. The exposure time was about three times that of conventional UV exposure, which took 25 minutes. 2, and 40-50 minutes with a double U 72W color temperature of 5000K. The experimental results are the same as those of traditional ultraviolet rays and the details are exactly the same, but the exposure time is about 5 times longer than that of ultraviolet exposure. This method is suitable for printmaking workers to create freely under the condition of low cost and no ultraviolet light radiation.


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3 傅俊山;建立立体,多层面的数学机制──新时期对版画创作教学的再思考[J];艺术探索;1996年02期

4 周矩敏;;第九届“姑苏之秋”版画邀请展作品集序[J];美术界;2006年01期

5 李瑞洪;;湖北现代版画创作纪实[J];武汉文史资料;2007年06期

6 李东;;论版画的平面化追求[J];文艺争鸣;2010年20期

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9 陈文丽;温莹莹;;浅析版画的间接性和复数性[J];呼伦贝尔学院学报;2007年05期

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