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发布时间:2018-10-19 07:56
【摘要】:近现代的中国在政治、经济、文化等方面发展受到史无前例的考验,在外来因素侵袭下,本民族如何生存与发展迫使人们重新思考中国前进的方向。艺术的洞察力对社会发展起到前瞻性作用,本论文通过对近代以来中国绘画中“焦点透视”现象的出现到现代“焦点透视”在中国绘画中普遍的过程进行研究,通过分析作品和总结理论产生个人观点,透过现象看本质,在理顺中国绘画发展之路的同时,对影响中国绘画发展的因素进行剖析。在对中国绘画中透视与审美关系的分析、近现代水墨审美趣味的改变、及对近现代艺术家探索与成果做整体梳理和讨论,总结焦点透视在近现代水墨演进中的重要作用。本文最终分别对:近现代水墨在传统基础上有着重大创新的积极作用、它对当代中国水墨创新起到启迪、奠定、丰富、扩充等多方面作用进行理论梳理与总结,以近现代水墨创作中焦点透视的引进与作用反思当代。 焦点透视的核心并不仅限于是一种技法或观察方法,表现方法由“西”到“中”的引进,更体现了时代的选择,社会、文化的深刻变化对美术创作的影响,甚至全面影响了中国文化中的国粹——中国画。当代中国在西方强势文化的影响下,是继续“拿来主义”,积极引进,还是在“拿来”的同时要深刻反思、深入挖掘传统文化、传统审美方式在水墨创作中的当代性演变和新的创造,以其在世界当代西方文化强势中保持一份清醒和独立。中国是大国,是东、西方两大不同文化中东方文化的主要代表;本文通过对近现代水墨画对焦点透视的融合与借鉴这一现象的回顾、反思与梳理,试图找出一些对当代水墨在世界文化之林中保持独立和特色而有意义的一些参考。
[Abstract]:In modern China, the development of politics, economy and culture has been tested in an unprecedented way. Under the attack of foreign factors, how to survive and develop of this nation forces people to rethink the direction of China's advance. The perspective of art plays a forward-looking role in the development of society. This paper studies the process from the appearance of "focus perspective" in modern Chinese painting to the general process of modern "focus perspective" in Chinese painting. Through analyzing the works and summarizing the theory to produce personal views, through the phenomenon to see the essence, in order to straighten out the way of the development of Chinese painting, at the same time, to analyze the factors that affect the development of Chinese painting. In the analysis of the relationship between perspective and aesthetics in Chinese painting, the change of aesthetic taste of modern ink and wash, and the overall combing and discussion of the exploration and achievement of modern artists, the important role of focus perspective in the evolution of modern ink painting is summarized. In the end, this paper summarizes the important role of modern ink on the basis of tradition, which can enlighten, establish, enrich, expand and so on. The introduction and function of focus perspective in modern ink painting reflect on contemporary times. The core of focus perspective is not only a technique or observation method, but also the introduction of expression method from "west" to "middle", which reflects the influence of the choice of the times and the profound changes of society and culture on art creation. It even completely affected the quintessence of Chinese culture-Chinese painting. Under the influence of the strong Western culture, is it necessary for contemporary China to continue to "bring in", actively introduce, or "bring in" at the same time, to deeply reflect on and dig into the traditional culture? The contemporary evolution and new creation of the traditional aesthetic style in the ink and wash creation keep a sober and independent view in the world's contemporary western culture. China is a big country, it is the main representative of oriental culture in two different cultures of east and west. This paper tries to find out some meaningful references for contemporary ink painting in the world cultural forest to maintain independence and characteristics.


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