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发布时间:2018-10-19 08:18
[Abstract]:This article regards Fu Baoshi as an individual artist with rich personality and thought, taking his period of resistance against Japan and Shu as the space and time cross section, and taking the six dynasties' realistic paintings, which are most important in his artistic creation but not sufficiently discussed before, as the research object. Through the study of these paintings, which are either from academic reason, or from their hearts, we can savor and recover their true appearance. At the same time, as a scholar and scholar who transcends the identity of a simple painter, these works are discussed in the history of Chinese thought, academic history and the genealogy of literati spirit in the 20th century. By interpreting the images of the works, the pictures and texts refer to each other in depth, and extend the traditional visual angle to limit Fu Baoshi's exploration of the richness of his art, and present the academic connotation of his realistic paintings on the subject matter of the six dynasties. This paper attempts to deepen the case study of Fu Baoshi in the history of Chinese painting in the 20th century, and also intends to supplement the study of the six dynasties culture at the level of image narration.
【作者单位】: 首都师范大学美术学院;


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