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发布时间:2018-10-22 17:57
【摘要】:中国画是我国的国粹,是华夏文明中的一颗璀璨明珠,承载着众多文人墨客的民族情怀。从魏晋到隋唐后经宋、元、明、清,各朝代的发展已经相当成熟,也出现了顾恺之、阎立本、八大、石涛、潘天寿等这些享誉世界的大家。潘天寿先生一直是捍卫传统文化的坚守者。他执着的用一生的艺术实践来诠释内心深处的那份坚守,对中国本民族艺术特色在创作中的体现,对诗、书、画、印全方位的学习以及实践,用事实证明了我们本民族的绘画还是要扎根于自己的艺术土壤之中。 工业革命以后,西方各国迅速崛起,二十世纪初,带有资本主义性质的西方文化大量涌入中国,对我国的传统文化造成了严重的冲击,中国画自然也难以逃脱这种命运,对此,在艺术的绘画元素中,出现了全盘西化,中西融合以及传统出新的三大局面,每个派别都有其特定的代表人物,他们用自己的实践来诠释自己的观点。在这传统文化面临冲击的关键时刻,潘天寿先生用自己一生积累的艺术财富保护了我国的传统文化,他既专精又旁通,在诗、书、画、印四个方面都有不同程度的成就。从读潘先生的诗到观摩他的绘画作品,的确让人感觉到诗画的内在联系,相通相融。在他的国画作品上,诗、画、书法、篆刻的相互结合,体现了潘天寿先生将艺术中各元素的充分整合,也体现了其深厚的传统文化修养。 潘天寿先生并不是完全站在民族本位的立场上,他并不排斥外来的东西,但是他坚持一点:外来的东西不能取代我本民族的精华,我们国家的艺术有它自身的价值。从他的教学到艺术主张都可以清晰的看出,这种艺术特点是非常鲜明的,,而且始终如一。他在面对其它的艺术思潮时,选择了相互吸取、相互扬弃;在民族危亡面前,他捍卫传统的文化。他的艺术中体现着民族精神,并由此告诫大家中国传统文化是不会被轻易动摇的,中国画的价值在他的笔下得到了充分的体现。
[Abstract]:Chinese painting is the quintessence of our country, is a bright pearl in Chinese civilization, bearing the national feelings of many literati. From Wei and Jin to Sui and Tang dynasties, the development of Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, and each dynasty has been quite mature, and also appeared Gu Kaizhi, Yan Liben, eight Da, Shi Tao, Pan Tianshou and other world-famous people. Mr. Pan Tianshou has always been a defender of traditional culture. He persistently used his life's artistic practice to interpret the deep heart of the stick, to embody the artistic characteristics of the Chinese nation in his creation, to study and practice all aspects of poetry, books, paintings, printing, and so on. With the facts to prove that our national painting is still rooted in their own artistic soil. After the Industrial Revolution, the western countries rose rapidly. At the beginning of the 20th century, a large number of western cultures with capitalist nature poured into China, which caused a serious impact on the traditional culture of our country, and it was naturally difficult for Chinese paintings to escape this fate. In the painting elements of art, there are three major situations of overall westernization, integration of Chinese and Western, and tradition. Each faction has its own special representative figure, they use their own practice to interpret their own point of view. At this critical moment when the traditional culture is facing an impact, Mr. Pan Tianshou has protected the traditional culture of our country with the artistic wealth accumulated in his whole life. He is both specialized and bypass, and has different achievements in four aspects: poetry, book, painting and printing. From reading Pan's poems to observing his paintings, people really feel the inner connection of poetry and painting. In his works of traditional Chinese painting, poetry, painting, calligraphy and seal cutting combine each other, which reflects the full integration of all elements of art by Mr. Pan Tianshou, and also reflects his profound traditional culture. Pan Tianshou is not entirely on the stand of national standard, he does not reject foreign things, but he insists that foreign things can not replace the essence of our own nation, our country's art has its own value. From his teaching to artistic ideas, it is clear that the characteristics of this art is very clear, and consistent. In the face of other artistic trends, he chose to absorb each other and sublate each other; in the face of national crisis, he defended the traditional culture. His art embodies the national spirit, and thus warns us that the traditional Chinese culture will not be easily shaken, the value of Chinese painting has been fully reflected in his works.


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