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发布时间:2018-10-29 19:35
【摘要】:水彩风景画是一种利用水溶性剂和稀释剂将特殊水彩颜料绘制到特质水彩纸上面的绘画。其讲究水色交融和独特笔法,对于艺术家作画材料要求非常高。除此之外,由于水的流动性和透明性,导致水彩画在笔触方面往往具备清新、简洁、明快、剔透的艺术特点。由于创作技法多样,水彩风景画驾驭技术复杂多变,经常可见的有干画法、湿画法以及干湿并用法,除此之外,还有诸如留白、渲染、喷洒、压印等等特殊技法。 中世纪后期,水彩风景画开始在欧洲兴盛起来。明清之际,水彩画传入中国,并在十九世纪末期开始发展起来。尽管水彩风景画属于西画的重要组成部分,,但由于水调和颜料作画的方式与中国传统山水画极为相似,在很短时间内就受到国内艺术家的青睐,并与中国传统文化相互结合,形成极具特色的中国水彩画。自从水彩风景画传入中国至今,水彩画发展历经磨难。 本文总共分为五个部分。第一部分为全文绪论,对于本课题的研究背景、研究意义、研究方法以及国内外研究动态进行阐述;第二部分则从中西方水彩风景画的发展历史进行简要叙述,以为后文撰写奠定基础;第三部分为全文核心,从三个不方面对于中西方水彩风景画的异同进行分析;第四部分则立足于笔者创作经验角度,对于当前如何创作水彩风景画进行分析研究;最后为全文总结,并对于水彩风景画的本土发展进行展望。
[Abstract]:Watercolor landscape painting is a kind of special watercolor pigment painted on special watercolor paper by using water-soluble agent and diluent. It pays attention to the blend of water color and unique brushwork, for artist painting material requirements are very high. In addition, due to the fluidity and transparency of water, watercolor painting often has the artistic characteristics of freshness, brevity, lightness and clearness in brushwork. Due to the diversity of creative techniques, watercolor landscape painting control technology complex and changeable, often seen in dry painting, wet painting and dry and wet combination, in addition to such special techniques as white space, rendering, spraying, imprint and other special techniques. In the late Middle Ages, watercolor landscapes began to flourish in Europe. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, watercolor paintings were introduced into China and began to develop in the late 19 th century. Although watercolor landscape painting is an important part of western painting, because the way of painting with water and pigment is very similar to traditional Chinese landscape painting, it has been favored by domestic artists in a very short time and combined with traditional Chinese culture. Form a very special Chinese watercolor painting. Since the introduction of watercolor landscape painting into China, watercolor development has experienced hardships. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction of the full text, the research background, research significance, research methods and research trends at home and abroad are described. The second part is a brief description of the development history of watercolor landscape painting in China and the West to lay the foundation for the later writing, the third part is the core of the paper, and analyzes the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western watercolor landscape painting from three aspects. The fourth part is based on the author's creative experience of how to create watercolor landscape painting analysis and research; finally for the full text summary and the local development of watercolor landscape painting prospects.


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