[Abstract]:With the progress of the society and the development of the times, we have already entered the image age. This means that we modern people live in the surrounded by images, people look at the speed and rhythm of the picture is accelerating, so the shape of the simple, the image of the clear picture can meet the needs of today's people, which is consistent with the traditional painting, Chinese traditional painting is not as realistic as western classical painting, but the image art of "writing spirit with shape", the main means of modeling with the most concise and direct lines, to express the image world of the painter. The "six methods" put forward by Sheikh are: "vivid charm", "Bone-style pen", "position of management", "pictograph of the object", "color with the class", "biography and description", from modeling to composition, Color and other aspects of painting accurately summarized the artistic characteristics of traditional painting and learning essentials, it is also meticulous figure painting creation everlasting painting principles. Learning tradition is to inherit and carry forward tradition better in the present age. The beauty of image world has no end and boundary. At present, attention to creation from life has become the characteristics and requirements of the times. We should inherit the essence of Chinese traditional painting principles, strive to explore the expressive power of meticulous painting, explore in practice, and get inspiration in life. Make the characters accord with the emotion and visual aesthetics of contemporary people, and create meticulous works reflecting the emotion of modern people.
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