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发布时间:2018-11-10 21:17
【摘要】:林风眠是一位杰出的可敬的艺术探索者,他大胆的预见了彩墨山水画的发展方向,以“中西调和”为艺术理想,跨越中西艺术的鸿沟,为彩墨山水画的现代化发展开辟了一条可资借鉴的创新之路,是20世纪改革中国画的先驱。 对课题《林风眠彩墨山水画形式语言研究》的过程中,笔者阅读了大量的文献资料和相关书籍,结合个案研究,引用了国内外学者的经典品论和艺术家原话,采用图像分析、文献查阅、综合归纳等多种研究方法,全方位,多角度对这一课题进行系统而深入的研究。通过对林风眠彩墨山水画作品研究、探索和剖析,深刻领悟到从林风眠彩墨山水画作品的形式语言中所透露出他所追求的:平衡、单纯、淡泊与宁静的艺术。 在研究过程中,首先,从林风眠中西融合的艺术观念以及其彩墨山水画风格演变四个阶段做总体的概括分析,从而更好的了解其彩墨山水画形式语言形成的背景及原因。其次,重点梳理和阐述其彩墨山水画的形式语言的外延与内涵特点,通过对文化参考要素、视觉表征、意蕴追求三大方面具体的研究分析,证明其彩墨山水画形式语言与他中西融合的艺术思想是协调一致的,他的“形式”体现了他的“势”,因为“势”才传达出画中深层次的精神内涵。最后,分析了林风眠彩墨山水画形式语言的价值与意义。通过对现当代山水画艺术家创作影响的表述,力图揭示艺术家要选择最能表达自己内心情感的绘画形式语言,融合中西方艺术之所长,形成自己独特的艺术风格。进而更深刻的认识到林风眠对中国山水画艺术的现代化发展产生的巨大推动作用及突出的艺术成就。
[Abstract]:Lin Fengmian is an outstanding and respectable art explorer. He boldly foresaw the development direction of color ink landscape painting, taking "Chinese and Western harmony" as the artistic ideal, and crossing the gap between Chinese and Western art. It opens up an innovative way for the modernization of color ink landscape painting and is the pioneer of the reform of Chinese painting in the 20 th century. In the course of studying the formal language of Lin Fengmian Color and Ink Landscape painting, the author has read a lot of literature and related books, combined with the case study, quoted the classical theory and the original words of the artist from domestic and foreign scholars, and used image analysis. Literature review, comprehensive induction and other research methods, all-directional, multi-angle systematic and in-depth study of this subject. Through the research, exploration and analysis of Lin Fengmian's landscape painting works, the author deeply understands the art of balance, simplicity, indifference and tranquility, which is revealed from the formal language of Lin Fengmian's color ink landscape painting works. In the research process, first of all, from Lin Fengmian Chinese and Western integration of artistic concepts and its color ink landscape painting style evolution of four stages to do a general analysis, so as to better understand its color ink landscape painting form language formation background and reasons. Secondly, it focuses on combing and expounding the extension and connotation characteristics of the formal language of its color and ink landscape painting, through the research and analysis of the cultural reference elements, visual representation, and the pursuit of three major aspects of specific research and analysis. It is proved that his formal language of color and ink landscape painting is in harmony with his artistic thought of fusion of Chinese and Western. His "form" embodies his "potential", because "potential" conveys the deep spiritual connotation of the painting. Finally, the paper analyzes the value and significance of the formal language of Lin Fengmian color and ink landscape painting. Through the expression of the influence of modern and contemporary landscape painting artists, this paper tries to reveal that the artist should choose the painting form language which can express his inner feelings most, and combine the advantages of Chinese and western art to form his own unique artistic style. And then more deeply realize that Lin Fengmian's great impetus and outstanding artistic achievement to the modernization development of Chinese landscape painting art.


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