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发布时间:2018-11-15 12:43
【摘要】:壁画是随着时代发展吸收进阶和演化着的艺术呈现方式。当代壁画的发展呈现早已在结构上、概念上、功能上强势的突破了传统壁画的框架,作为一种吸收消化重组再呈现的艺术语言,随着时代的环境、空间、审美承受力而发展的艺术,触角已慢慢的触及综合门类,多种表现手法,传统与当代材料的混合表现。所展现出的联想空间与感染力都大大区别中国先人壁画遗产语言给予人们的视觉体验。 中国古代壁画艺术历史悠久,其中以广为人知的岩画艺术起始与原始时期,至时代的发展、技术的进步、空间的转变、审美和文化的渗透到壁画里,题材逐步丰富,技法娴熟,线条流畅,期间涵盖太多闻名于世的壁画典范。然而一个在封建社会中鼎盛的时代,一个经济文化高度发达的时期,作为文化艺术结晶的唐代壁画也成为了中国古代壁画艺术的一个标志性时期。唐代壁画内容涉及有宫殿、石窟、寺庙、道观、庭院、墓室,呈现气势磅礴、优雅精美、色彩艳丽。在给人们展现独特艺术魅力的同时也解决了在泥墙表皮难以持续展现、保存和色彩简单的问题。传承予世人所集中关注的主要是宫殿、石窟、寺庙、墓室和道观的壁画艺术语言呈现,而真正触动我的是体现大众文化语言的地上艺术,和独特黄泉下的美术吸引,正是这两个契机点感染了我对唐代壁画的拓展和定位。 在当代壁画呈现于大众面前的功能性、叙事性、装饰性与比较中国古代壁画,上述三种特点外的当代壁画更面向大众呈现出了中国古代壁画较弱的全信息交互公共性。自我设定的方向框架正是在两个不同时期的,看似相同而又有发展与区别的艺术语言中找寻同种艺术形式的传承、吸取、创新和渗透。在创新的特点中做当代与古代的“三性”(壁画中长久性是壁画最基本的属性,所以在本文章中不在复述)关系、背景、语言以及制作方法的比较研究,以及发展演变的“公共交互性”、材质的变化、新媒介融入的呈现。能让自己更有兴趣的在传统文化语言中游历、学习、感受,让文化修炼自我的性情和对创作的理解,最大力度的用于“公共交互性”、材质的变化、新媒介的融入展现中比较出的传承与发展的魅力。
[Abstract]:Mural painting is an art presentation method that absorbs advanced and evolves with the development of the times. The development and presentation of contemporary murals has already broken through the framework of traditional murals in terms of structure, concept and function. As an artistic language that absorbs, digests, reorganizes and presents again, with the environment and space of the times, Aesthetic tolerance and the development of art, tentacles have slowly touched the comprehensive category, a variety of means of expression, traditional and contemporary material mixture performance. Both the associative space and the appeal are different from the visual experience given by the heritage language of the Chinese ancestors' murals. Chinese ancient mural art has a long history, in which the well-known rock painting art began and primitive period, the development of the times, the progress of technology, the change of space, aesthetic and cultural infiltration into the murals, subject matter gradually rich, skillful, The lines are smooth, covering too many famous mural models during the period. However, in a period of high prosperity in feudal society and a period of highly developed economy and culture, the frescoes of Tang Dynasty, as the crystallization of culture and art, have also become an iconic period of Chinese ancient mural art. The contents of Tang Dynasty murals include palaces, grottoes, temples, Taoist temples, gardens and tombs, presenting majestic, elegant and colorful. At the same time, it solves the problem that the surface of the mud wall is difficult to be displayed, preserved and simple in color. What the world focuses on is the presentation of the murals' artistic language of palaces, grottoes, temples, tombs and Taoist temples. What really touches me is the above ground art, which embodies the language of popular culture, and the unique art attraction under Huangquan. It is these two points of opportunity that infected me to the Tang Dynasty murals expansion and positioning. The functions, narration, decoration and comparison of the Chinese ancient murals in front of the masses in the contemporary murals show that the contemporary murals in addition to the above three characteristics have the weak public nature of the Chinese ancient murals' full information interaction. It is in two different periods that the self-set direction frame looks for the inheritance, absorption, innovation and penetration of the same artistic form in the seemingly identical and developing and differentiated artistic language. In the innovative characteristics of the contemporary and ancient "three properties" (in the murals permanent is the most basic attributes of murals, so in this article is not repeated) relations, background, language and production methods of comparative research, And the development and evolution of "public interaction", material changes, new media into the presentation. Can make oneself more interested in the traditional cultural language travel, study, feel, let the culture cultivate their own temperament and understanding of creation, the maximum strength of the use of "public interaction", material changes, The charm of inheritance and development compared with the integration of new media.


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