[Abstract]:Ming and Qing dynasties were the prosperous period of Tang poetics and an important period of the development of Chinese painting. In this period of nearly 600 years, there is an intriguing artistic phenomenon: the painters create a large number of Tang poetry paintings. Tang poetry itself has some innate qualities that can be painted, so in the Tang Dynasty, it has been cultivated as a painting title, and the Song and Yuan dynasties have further expanded. These all made an important demonstration for the Ming and Qing painters. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, capitalism sprout in China, and the citizen class grew stronger. At the same time, because of the accumulation of Chinese traditional culture in 2000 years, the whole society's cultural level was generally very high. These are the background and foundation of Tang poetry painting in Ming and Qing dynasties, and put forward a higher request to the creation of Tang poetry painting. In Ming and Qing dynasties, there were many kinds of motives for the artists to create poetry paintings in Tang Dynasty, or even a mixture of them. There are also many types of poetic paintings in Tang poetry. In other words, there are explicit and implicit types, show sentences and the whole, single and group pictures, first and the title, and so on. Although after the Ming and Qing dynasties, painting the theme of Tang poetry, the subject matter in the Ming and Qing dynasties and not much change, leisure, ease, seclusion, friendship and other Tang poetry has an absolute advantage. This once again confirms Qian Zhongshu's words, "A poem equivalent to the painting style of Nanzong is not a high or authentic poem, but a painting equivalent to a rhyme style is a high quality or authentic painting." The creation of painters in Ming and Qing dynasties was often out of step with the arrangement of later generations, which resulted in two problems: foreign writing and false editing. In this paper, the author only through the eyes of the literature on these two issues are combed. The ancient classification of painting is very trivial, this paper uses the basic classification of modern people (landscape painting, figure painting, flower painting) to view the Tang poetry into painting produce fruitful results. The paper points out that Tang poetry has made great contributions to the creation method of Chinese landscape painting, the styling of some historical figures and the humanistic connotation of Chinese flowers. This article also carries on the case literature investigation to the Ming and Qing Dynasty Tang poetry poetic painting, tries to use the image science theory essence and the traditional textual research method to some Ming and Qing Dynasty Tang poetry poetic painting textual research explanation. At last, the author analyzes the other three problems of the intertextuality, namely, the poetics accomplishment of the artists in Ming and Qing dynasties, the works of the same subject and the poems of the Tang poetry. There are three appendices in this thesis. These appendices are a survey of the literature on poetry of Tang Dynasty in Ming and Qing dynasties. They are respectively a list of poems in Tang Dynasty, a chronology of poems in Tang Dynasty, and a list of poetic paintings of Tang poems by Ming and Qing painters.
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