[Abstract]:Yun Nantian is a relic painter in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. He has experienced rough experiences such as resisting Qing Dynasty and not doing official work. He has the spirit of recluse of literati, and advocates the elegant and elegant style of painting, and has the collection of ou Xiang Guan and the postscript of Nantian painting. In the face of the unhealthy trend of mud and ancient ossification in the early Qing Dynasty, from the height of Zhuangzi's philosophy and taking the spiritual complex of ancient literati painters' seclusion as the clue, it advocates the formation of a profound aesthetic system of painting: first, It emphasizes the aesthetic model of constructing "the right color of the world": taking Gao Jie of "palliative gods" as the most beautiful symbol, taking the tolerance of "hiding mountains in the mountains" as the painting paradigm, and taking the attitude of "clear mind and view the Tao" as the aesthetic heart; Secondly, from art to life, Nantian advocated the construction of free and transcendent aesthetic existence realm of "traveling with Yuan Dynasty": not only paying attention to the spiritual liberation of "the joy of Haoliang", but also emphasizing the pursuit of "absolute extraordinary guest". Then bear the noble spirit of seclusion. On the basis of inheriting the unique aesthetic thinking of Chinese classical aesthetics, the whole system of painting on Zhuang shows Yun Nantian's unique aesthetic consciousness and the concrete fusion process of his works, and expresses his aesthetic ideal of being free and transcendent.
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