[Abstract]:As a folk art form with hundreds of years of historical tradition, Yangjiabu New year painting is not only a window for people to recognize nature and produce in the early days, but also a kind of interpretation to the folk art and culture of our country. In the course of hundreds of years' evolution, its artistic characteristics, value forms and vitality are constantly improved, and people's sense of identity and belonging to folk art is constantly deepened. Early people through the production of New year paintings to beg the wind and rain in the coming year, until the later stage of the New year painting producers gradually pointed to the objective reality in production practice, the meaning of the New year painting will also be highlighted. This is followed by people's sense of belonging to folk art, cognitive deepening. With the progress of China's modern economy and culture, the art of Yangjiabu New year's painting has been impacted, such as the sharp reduction of the scale, the fault of the artistic creators, the imperfect regional regulation and so on, which have caused the art of Yangjiabu's New year painting to fade down gradually. Make this traditional cultural form can not carry forward better, worse is Yang Jiabu New year painting its own value form, the connotation gradually fade out of people's vision. The soil of artistic creation has gradually separated from the sight of people and lost its proper foundation of development, which makes it difficult to adapt itself to the development of today's economy and culture, and can not adapt to the development of today's economy and culture very well. While grasping the problem of hindering Yang Jiabu's New year painting, we should actively advocate a sound remedial scheme to make Yangjiabu New year's painting radiate its vitality and vitality. At the same time, it is necessary to closely connect with folk customs and trace back to their roots. Only by taking into account the connotation of folk customs and the new economic situation, can it be passed on continuously on the stage of folk art.
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