发布时间:2019-03-22 11:08
【摘要】:山水画的笔墨语言从古至今总是随着历史的习惯、经验、审美以及价值取向而不断地变化、充实和完善。21世纪是多元化的时代,科技和文化飞速发展,东西方文化渐趋融合,,在这样的背景下如何继承和发展山水画,如何表现当下笔墨形式才能既不失民族文化的精髓,又具有时代性,这对山水画的传承和发展具有重要的意义。 笔墨语言本身承载着丰厚的文化内涵,现代画家只有把握时代的脉搏,紧跟时代的步伐,以现代人的思想情感、审美观念和审美情操去深入、观察和体验生活,在实践过程中探索和丰富笔墨表现形式,立足传统,借鉴吸收,以现代人的笔墨去表现生活,只有这样才能创造出富于时代感和蕴含时代精神的山水画作,使其艺术精神在新时代得到发展。本文从传统山水画笔墨的形成与发展,山水画笔墨语言研究,笔墨当随时代,及在此理论研究上进行的创作四个方面来探究笔墨的时代性。
[Abstract]:The pen-ink language of the landscape painting has always changed, enriched and perfected from the old to the present with the history, the experience, the aesthetic and the value orientation. The 21st century is the era of diversification, the rapid development of science and technology and culture, and the convergence of the East-West culture. In such a background, how to inherit and develop the landscape painting, how to express the current form of the ink is not only the essence of the national culture, but also the times, which is of great significance to the inheritance and development of the landscape painting. The pen-ink language itself carries the rich cultural connotation, the modern painter only holds the pulse of the times, followed the pace of the times, and deeply, observes and experiences the life of the modern people, and explores and enriches the performance of the pen-ink in the practice process. The formula, based on the tradition, draws on the absorption, and takes the pen ink of the modern people to show the life, so that it can create the landscape painting which is rich in the times and the spirit of the times, so that the artistic spirit of the modern people can be made in the new era. This paper, from the formation and development of the traditional Chinese landscape painting, the study of the ink and ink language of the landscape painting, the writing of the pen and the ink, and the creation of the writing in this theoretical study, explores the times of the pen and ink.
[Abstract]:The pen-ink language of the landscape painting has always changed, enriched and perfected from the old to the present with the history, the experience, the aesthetic and the value orientation. The 21st century is the era of diversification, the rapid development of science and technology and culture, and the convergence of the East-West culture. In such a background, how to inherit and develop the landscape painting, how to express the current form of the ink is not only the essence of the national culture, but also the times, which is of great significance to the inheritance and development of the landscape painting. The pen-ink language itself carries the rich cultural connotation, the modern painter only holds the pulse of the times, followed the pace of the times, and deeply, observes and experiences the life of the modern people, and explores and enriches the performance of the pen-ink in the practice process. The formula, based on the tradition, draws on the absorption, and takes the pen ink of the modern people to show the life, so that it can create the landscape painting which is rich in the times and the spirit of the times, so that the artistic spirit of the modern people can be made in the new era. This paper, from the formation and development of the traditional Chinese landscape painting, the study of the ink and ink language of the landscape painting, the writing of the pen and the ink, and the creation of the writing in this theoretical study, explores the times of the pen and ink.
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