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的翻译看翻译的接受美学.doc 全文免费在线阅读

发布时间:2016-10-10 12:25


中图分类号: H31519 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1003 - 3831 (2008) 06 - 0088 - 05几引翻可,理的文和等,究非,2008年 11月 Nov. , 2008第 24卷第 6期 Journal of Sichuan International Studies University Vol. 24 No. 6从傅雷《艺术哲学》的翻译看翻译的接受美学邵炜(北京外国语大学法语系,北京 1 0 0 1 0 1 )提要:借用傅雷《艺术哲学》段译文分析翻译的接受美学,分析译文的清晰度(信息的相关性、表达的简洁性)和受众的美学标准两个方面,旨在从翻译美学的角度探索傅雷翻译获得受众欣赏的成功因素。关键词:接受美学;信息清晰度;相关性;文体;受众Aesthetics observed in Fu L e i’s work :“P h ilosophy of A rt”SHAO W eiAbstract: Aesthetics must be analyzed in objective manner as important elements to exp lain readers’accep tance regardinga translation work: the legibility of information and aesthetic criteria in target culture. Define these two factors in a reel basebut not an abstract one let us well understand the evaluation of standard readers in order to regulate our translation work.Key words: receiving aesthetics; legibility;... 内容来自转载请标明出处.





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