[Abstract]:Screen is one of the most expressive media created by human beings. Its unique beauty originates from the dialectical unity of materiality and information, reflection and transparency, "see" and "see through", concealment and manifestation, stillness and motion, space and reality. The rise of screen has changed the way of people's existence and culture, and renewed the view of text and language. The screen creates the Cold Muse. In the process of artistic creation, it acts as the special carrier of image, the embodiment of intermedia, and the general equivalent of art. Screen has a great influence on aesthetic psychology, which indicates the advantage of dynamic culture over static culture. The positive effects of the computer screen include promoting the role of the user from reader to author, bringing the human body into a mixture of reality and reality, having the highly interactive and controllable mirror needed for self-development. Promoting cross-cultural integration by displaying data streams from the Internet, providing new conditions for "the beauty of art to survive"; The negative influence is that it may cause the crisis of printing literature, induce people to distance themselves from the real world, hinder the deep observation and thinking, disturb people's soul, etc. Looking at the screen correctly is the proper meaning in the theme of aesthetic literacy. The future of the screen depends on technological progress, social value-oriented and other factors. The beauty of screen, the relationship between screen and artistic creation, and the influence of screen on aesthetic psychology will be the main subject of screen aesthetics research.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学人文学院中文系;
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