[Abstract]:Let life become art, regard human life activities as aesthetic activities, replace ethics with aesthetics and replace religion with aesthetic education. This ideological orientation and social practice have a long tradition in both East and West. In modern times, from Nietzsche's "Dionysus Spirit" to Foucault's "Survival Aesthetics", from the slogan of Pat "treat life in the spirit of art" to William Morris's social ideal of "making every worker an artist". From Zhou Zuoren's "Art of Life" to Zhu Guangqian's "Art of Life", from "Bohemian" to "Bobo", from "Dandy" in the 19th century, "wandering" to the aesthetic of daily life in the 20th century. We are faced with a world that Baudrilla calls "aesthetic generalization". This omnipresent survival aesthetics and its inner psychological motive force-what is the relationship between aesthetic pleasure and consumer culture? Under the condition of the contemporary commodity society, what kind of way does the capital get involved in the aesthetic activities? This article regards aesthetic feeling as
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