[Abstract]:Since the beginning of this century, the development of western aesthetics can be described as a school of thought, trend of thought. Many western scholars have pointed out with great experience that western culture has experienced an important turning point in this century, and aesthetics, as a part of culture, has naturally undergone many changes and turns. Adorno once said: "all kinds of aesthetic theories derived from system philosophy do not seem to have common characteristics, and conflict is their internal relational model." Philosophical thinking about art is opposed to each other, just as art itself is hostile to each other. " Nevertheless, Western aesthetics in the 20th century showed some tendencies. Tijira, an American philosopher, once summed up three turns; turned to art, to human originality, to the human condition. There is no doubt that this generalization is in one word. However, in my opinion, the development trend of western modern aesthetics seems to be far more than these three aspects. From a broader perspective, we can obviously pay attention to the following six aspects.
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5 邹t,