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  本文关键词:马思聪艺术歌曲的演唱诠释与当代启示 出处:《浙江师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 马思聪 艺术歌曲 特征 演唱诠释 当代启示

【摘要】:20世纪初的中国,正处在历史上承前启后的重要阶段,同时也面临着一场全社会的巨大变革,无论是政治、经济、科学、文化,还是教育等方面都在一定程度上受到了西方国家的影响。随着“学堂乐歌”的传入,中西音乐文化交流的步伐越迈越大,我国先后出现了一批远赴重洋,西学而归后,为我国新音乐事业奉献终身的音乐家、教育家。早先的沈心工、曾志态、李叔同等人,是发起中国学教音乐教育和学校歌唱活动的先行者,而后的王光祈、萧友梅等人又为我国的音乐理论建设和新型音乐的创作做出了巨大的贡献。而在这个关键时期,还有一位抱有热血琴心和崇高的艺术追求,并为当时的中西音乐文化交流,尤其是中国民族音乐的发展,鞠躬尽瘁、致力一生,却因政治压迫而背井离乡、抱憾异国的重要人物,那就是本文的研究对象马思聪先生。 马思聪(1912.5.7.—1987.5.20.),广东海丰人,杰出的小提家、作曲家、音乐教育家,我国小提琴音乐创作和演奏的奠基人,是中国近现代音乐史上有着重大影响的音乐家之一。自1924年跟随长兄马思齐赴法学琴之日起,马思聪便展开了长达六十余年的音乐学习、演奏、创作生涯,并从未间断停止。他颠沛流离、曲折坎坷的一生恰逢中国音乐发展的重要时期,他的创作实践与时代的变迁有着十分紧密的联系,并印证了整个中国近现代音乐史曲折发展的过程。马思聪的作品意蕴深长,演奏充满热情,所作的大量理论研究为推进中西音乐交融,改变中国音乐文化封闭低落的状况,以及开创独具中国特色的小提琴艺术和建设中国民族音乐做出了突出的贡献,并为20世纪中国音乐文化的更新和中国音乐逐步走向世界之林迈出了重要的一步!可以说,马思聪在中国近现代音乐史上的地位和影响是举足轻重的,而对这样一位颇具影响力的音乐家进行全方位的研究,必将显现出其中的历史价值和现实意义。 由于马思聪的音乐创作以器乐作品著称,尤其是他在小提琴艺术上所取得的成就,使得他的声乐创作艺术相比之下退居其次。同时,学界对其在声乐创作方面所做的贡献关注度也不够,因而形成了目前有关马思聪声乐创作的相关研究较为薄弱的状况。本文将在前人的研究基础上,以中国近现代史为社会背景,从马思聪声乐创作中的艺术歌曲创作部分入手,通过对他的生平概览、从艺经历、音乐成就,以及艺术歌曲的创作实践方面,进行全面、系统地分析,总结出马思聪艺术歌曲的创作风格与特征,进而对如何完美诠释马思聪的艺术歌曲进行初步探讨,并客观评价马思聪艺术歌曲的历史价值、当代启示和所存在的局限,希望能够补充马思聪声乐创作和艺术歌曲创作的研究成果,为今后有关马思聪艺术歌曲创作的进一步研究,提供可参考的资料。
[Abstract]:At the beginning of the twentieth Century China, is at an important stage of the history of the past, while also facing a huge change of the whole society, whether in politics, economy, science, culture, education and other aspects are affected by western countries. With the introduction of school songs "the cultural exchange of Chinese and western music the pace of bigger, our country has appeared in a number of Western learning to go abroad, after giving a lifelong musician for China's new music educator. Earlier Sheng Xingong, Ceng Zhi state, Li Shutong et al., is a pioneer in music education and teaching Ancient Chinese Literature Search initiated the school singing activities, then the king of light pray, made a great contribution to Xiao Youmei and others to the construction of our country music theory and the creation of new music. In this critical period, there have a blood piano heart and noble pursuit of art, and the time of the The western music culture, especially the development of national music, China dedicated, committed to life, but because of political oppression and an important figure in the exotic leave the hometown, regret, that is the object of this thesis is Mr. Ma Sicong.
Ma Sicong (1912.5.7. 1987.5.20.), Guangdong Haifeng, outstanding violinist, composer, music educator, founder of China's violin music creation and performance, is one of the China modern music history has great influence on musicians. Since 1924 with his older brother Ma Si Qi France piano date, Ma Sicong started more than sixty years of music learning, playing, writing career, and never stopped. He displaced, the development of an important period of life Chinese coincides with the music of twists and turns, change his creative practice and age closely, and confirms the whole process of Chinese tortuous development of modern music history. The deep meaning of Ma Sicong's works the play, full of enthusiasm, made a lot of theoretical research to promote the integration of Chinese and western music, change Chinese music culture of the low situation, and create a unique China characteristics Have made outstanding contributions to the art of Violin and construction Chinese folk music, and for the twentieth Century Chinese music update and Chinese music gradually to the world an important step! It can be said that the China and influence of Ma Sicong in the modern music history status is pivotal, and the impact of such a a musician on the full range of research, will show the historical value and practical significance.
Because of Ma Sicong's music creation known as instrumental works, especially his achievements in violin art achievement, makes his vocal art compared to second. At the same time, scholars of the creation in the vocal contribution of attention is not enough, so the formation of the current status of research on Ma Sicong vocal music creation relatively weak. In this paper, on the basis of previous studies, China in modern history as social background, starting from the creation of art songs in vocal music creation part Ma Sicong, through an overview of his life, art history, music achievement, comprehensive, and creative practice of art songs, systematic analysis, summary the style and characteristics of Ma Sicong's art songs, and art songs on how to perfect interpretation of Ma Sicong was discussed, and the objective evaluation of Ma Sicong art song history price The value and limitations of contemporary enlightenment, hope to be able to research of vocal music creation and Ma Sicong art songs, for the further study on Ma Sicong art songs, can provide reference materials.



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2 缪佳;;如何把握歌剧与艺术歌曲[J];北方文学(下半月);2010年09期

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