本文选题:手风琴 切入点:阴山岩画 出处:《内蒙古师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:我国是世界上岩画最丰富的国家之一,而内蒙古的岩画独占中国岩画的鳌头,其中阴山岩画最具代表性。在阴山众多岩画中,史前狩猎岩画或与狩猎有关的岩画占有全部岩画的65%以上,这表明在远古时期,以狩猎为主要生业的时代持续了相当漫长的时期,这些生动的图画记录了北方草原先民们生活的真实状态:猎人(手持箭或武器)、行猎的方式(独猎、双人猎、三人猎、众猎、围猎等)、各种动物、中箭受伤的野牲、召唤猎物的舞蹈、行猎前的祈神仪式等等,均在画面中得到体现。而由王瑞林与张新化共同创作的《阴山岩画印象——狩猎》正是用音乐的形式再现了这一惊心动魄的狩猎场景,而且大胆的尝试了手风琴与乐队协奏的形式,成为我国第一部手风琴交响乐曲。本文通过从阴山岩画的历史背景出发,对《阴山岩画印象——狩猎》的创作背景、本体分析(曲式、调式调性、节奏节拍等)以及风格特点(创作风格特征及艺术特征)等多角度的剖析,归纳出作品的个性与特点,从而展现它在中国手风琴创作领域中的重要价值及意义。 本文主要以音乐本体分析为主线对《阴山岩画印象——狩猎》进行细致深入的研究,由此对作品中涉及的演奏技法做出相应提示,并总结出其风格特征。论文分为三大部分:第一章主要从阴山岩画及《阴山岩画印象——狩猎》的创作背景几方面对乐曲进行了客观的、外围的介绍和研究。第二章主要对《阴山岩画印象——狩猎》的音乐本体进行分析研究,对A—M回段进行较为细致的分析,在此基础上对演奏技术的运用及特殊标记的弹奏逐一详加介绍,并对演奏技法做出提示。第三章在第一章、第二章的研究基础上对作品风格特点、音乐创作特点上做出研究总结,阐明了作品自身蕴含的价值。
[Abstract]:China is one of the most abundant rock paintings in the world, and Inner Mongolia rock art petroglyphs China exclusive Ngau Tau, the Yinshan rock paintings are the most representative. In the numerous prehistoric rock paintings, rock hunting and hunting above or related paintings occupy all 65% paintings, this shows that in ancient times, mainly by hunting for subsistence for a very long period of time, these vivid pictures recorded the northern prairie ancestors of the true state of life: the Hunter (with an arrow or a weapon), some way (only three people hunting, double hunting, hunting, hunting and hunting, etc.), all kinds of animal, wild animal arrows injured, call prey the dance, hunting before praying ceremony and so on, are reflected in the picture. By Wang Ruilin and Zhang Xinhua joint creation of the Yinshan Rock - > < impression is hunting in the form of music reproduction of this thrilling hunting scene, and Bold accordion and Orchestra form, to become China's first accordion symphony. This paper starts from the historical background of Yinshan Rock, < Yinshan Rock impression, hunting > the creation background, ontology analysis (form, tonality, rhythm etc.) and style (style characteristics and artistic features of creation) analysis of multi angle, summed up the personality and character of the works, so as to show it in the field of Chinese accordion creation in the important value and significance.
In this paper the music ontology analysis as the main line of Yinshan Rock - hunting > < impression of detailed and in-depth study, which make the corresponding tips on playing techniques involved in the works, and summed up its style features. Thesis is divided into three parts: the first chapter mainly from the aspects of Yinshan Rock and Yinshan rock - < > hunting impression the objective of creating background music, peripheral presentation and research. Analysis of the second chapter of "Yinshan Rock music ontology -- hunting" impression, make a detailed analysis on the A M back, playing on the basis of the performance technology application and special marker makes a detailed introduction, and make a prompt on the playing techniques. The third chapter in the first chapter, based on the second chapter of the characteristics of the work style, make a study summary of the characteristics of music creation, the work itself contains the value.
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