本文选题:复调技法 切入点:中国 出处:《南京师范大学》2002年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 本论文的题目是《复调技法在中国钢琴作品中的运用》,它涉及到三个关键词,即“复调技法”、“中国”与“钢琴作品”。中国代表着中国文化,钢琴则是西方文明的一个具体产物,复调技法的中西本质相当,然而表现各异。这三个关键词所包含的内容从宏观方面来讲,它们涉及到是中西两种文化对音乐创作所产生的影响;从微观方面来讲,是以钢琴这件乐器为一具体的观察坐标,研究中国作曲家在钢琴曲创作对复调技法的运用。 中国钢琴音乐经历了建国前、建国初期、文化大革命和当代这些不同的历史时期,从无到有,从萌芽到蓬勃发展。在这个过程中,我国作曲家不断融汇、消化西方的复调技术和一些现代作曲技法,,创造与发展了具有民族特色风格的钢琴复调音乐。本文的写作思路以这一内容为基础,通过对中国各时期的钢琴作品的分析,以点代面地勾勒出复调技术在中国钢琴作品中呈现出的面貌。
[Abstract]:The title of this thesis is "the Application of polyphonic techniques in Chinese Piano works", which involves three key words: "polyphonic techniques", "China" and "Piano works". China represents Chinese culture, and piano is a concrete product of Western civilization. The Chinese and Western essence of polyphonic techniques is similar, but the performance is different. From a macro perspective, the contents of these three key words are related to the influence of the two cultures on music creation; from the microscopic point of view, This paper studies the use of polyphonic techniques by Chinese composers in piano music creation with the piano instrument as a concrete observation coordinate. Chinese piano music experienced different historical periods, such as the founding of the people's Republic of China, the early period of the founding of the people's Republic of China, the Cultural Revolution and the contemporary era, from scratch to flourish. By digesting western polyphonic techniques and some modern composing techniques, the piano polyphonic music with national characteristics has been created and developed. Based on this content, this paper analyzes the piano works of various periods in China. This paper outlines the features of polyphonic techniques in Chinese piano works.
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6 李e