本文选题:杨荫浏 + 《史纲》 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2002年硕士论文
【摘要】: 音乐历史的研究是一个无止境的过程。杨荫浏先生的《史纲》和《史稿》是20世纪中国音乐史学科的两部重要著作,又是两个不同历史时期的阶段性成果。由于客观环境和作者本人主观方面的原因,使得两部著作的面貌存在着较大差异。比较这两部著作的特点,总结其各自的价值与不足,对21世纪中国音乐史学的发展具有重要意义。 本文正文由“杨荫浏的学术人生”、“《史纲》和《史稿》写作背景与框架结构”、“《史纲》和《史稿》之比较研究”三部分组成。充分关注隐藏在学术著作后面的社会、时代和人的作用,以“学术发展阶段性成果”的规律作为指导思想,从探索杨荫浏的人生经历、学术道路入手,,运用比较研究的方法并参考其他学者的有关剖析与评价,从写作背景、框架结构、重点内容三个层面,对杨先生的两部音乐史著作加以比较研究,力求客观、清晰地总结出《史纲》和《史稿》各自的特点与价值。 第一部分为杨荫浏学术人生的总结。学术著作势必融入研究者的观念意识,因此该部分从人生经历、学术道路、学术成就三个层面对杨荫浏整个学术生涯作详细的梳理,以考察杨荫浏在不同学术阶段,思想意识与研究方向的特点以及这些因素对《史纲》与《史稿》写作的影响。 第二部分主要从《史纲》和《史稿》的写作背景与框架结构两个方面加以比较。两部著作的写作,一部是在解放前利用业余时间编写的教材性质似的中国音乐史著作,一部是在解放后以马列主义思想为指导进行研究的学术著作;另一方面,两部著作虽然都是“编年体”的结构模式,却有详略之分,一部是以532个大小不一的段落予以概括,分上古期、中古期、近世期三个时期梳理中国音乐历史发展过程;一部则按照朝代顺序分八编三十六章逐一进行论述。本部分属于表层或者说外围性质的比较。 第三部分是对两部著作内容的比较研究。在这一部分中,本文选择了著作中最为突出的八个问题,从音乐思想到史料运用,从音响资料到图片资料,从作品分析到乐律宫调,从乐器到音韵学,力图体现出两部著作内容上的明显差异。本部分则是深入到著作内层的实质性的比较研究。 结语部分回归到人与著作的关系,并对《史纲》和《史稿》的比较作出客观的结论与评价。
[Abstract]:The study of music history is an endless process.Yang Ying-liu 's History outline and Historical manuscript are two important works of Chinese music history in the 20th century, and they are also the achievements of two different historical periods.Due to the objective environment and subjective aspects of the author, there are great differences between the two works.Comparing the characteristics of the two works and summarizing their respective values and shortcomings are of great significance to the development of Chinese music history in the 21st century.The text consists of three parts: "the academic Life of Yang Ying-liu", "the History outline" and "the Historical manuscript" writing background and frame structure, "the History outline" and "the Comparative study of Historical manuscripts".Paying full attention to the society, the times and the role of people hidden behind academic works, taking the law of "the achievement of the stage of academic development" as the guiding ideology, starting with the exploration of Yang Yin-liu 's life experience and academic road,By using the method of comparative study and referring to the relevant analysis and evaluation of other scholars, this paper makes a comparative study of Mr. Yang's two works on music history from three aspects: writing background, frame structure and key content, in order to be objective.Clearly summed up the history of the outline and the history of each of the characteristics and value.The first part is the summary of Yang Yinliu's academic life.The academic works are bound to be integrated into the researchers' concept consciousness, so this part combs the whole academic career of Yang Yinliu in detail from three aspects of life experience, academic road and academic achievement, in order to investigate Yang Yinliu at different academic stages.The characteristics of ideology and research direction and the influence of these factors on the writing of History outline and Historical manuscript.The second part mainly compares the writing background and frame structure of History outline and Historical manuscript.The writing of the two works, one is a book on the history of Chinese music, which was written in his spare time before liberation, the other is an academic work which was studied under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism after liberation; on the other hand,Although the two works are the structural model of "chronological style", they are divided into two parts: one is summarized with 532 paragraphs of different sizes, which is divided into three periods: the ancient period, the middle ancient period, and the modern age period, and the development process of Chinese music history is sorted out.The first part is divided into eight chapters and 36 chapters according to the order of the dynasty.This part is a comparison of surface or peripheral properties.The third part is the comparative study of the two works.In this part, this paper chooses the most outstanding eight problems in the works, from the music thought to the use of historical data, from the sound materials to the picture data, from the work analysis to the melody, from the musical instrument to the phonology.Trying to reflect the two works on the content of the obvious difference.This part is the substantive comparative study of the inside of the book.The conclusion part returns to the relationship between people and works, and makes an objective conclusion and evaluation on the comparison between the outline of History and the draft of History.
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