本文选题:打击乐 + 电子音乐 ; 参考:《中央音乐学院》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着当今音乐的发展,打击乐作为器乐中重要的组成部分,发展迅猛。20世纪至今,打击乐在近一百多年来呈现出大发展的趋势,作曲家和演奏家们为了得到与众不同的音色,不断的研究与开发打击乐器,使得打击乐从乐器演奏形式和乐器种类方面越来越多样化。同样作为20世纪开始发展的电子音乐,也是为了追求不一样的音乐和音色而诞生。正由于打击乐和电子音乐的音色特殊性,使得将打击乐和电子音乐结合成为一种可能,也成为一种新颖的音乐表现形式。 本文将通过为何要将打击乐与电子音乐相结合和如何将打击乐与电子音乐相结合两大章来陈述。第一章中作者通过名词解释和举例说明,从当今音乐的表演形式入手,阐述为何要将打击乐与电子音乐相结合。第二章作者从演出和作曲制作两大方面论述如何将打击乐和电子音乐相结合。在演出形式方面,从独奏和协助演奏两点做叙述:独奏中从分析打击乐和电子音乐作品《Temazcal》的演出形式和作曲技巧入手,通过运用图例模拟展示演出现场,阐述打击乐与电子音乐的演出方式,并将其延伸到使用乐句循环的方法来制作一人多声部的演出形式;协助演奏中从对现代音乐节中看到的独奏者和音频技术操作者的共同演出来说明打击乐和电子音乐结合的新颖的演出形式。在作曲制作方面,通过运用电脑音乐制作技术和当今电子音乐硬件设备,从效果器的使用、乐器选择和乐器频段的思考、多媒体视频技术的结合以及电子打击乐器的使用这四点进行举例说明。作者以图片的形式,将电脑音乐制作中的效果器、音频谱等可视化参数展现出来,让读者可以从本文中得到信息,并了解作者的理念和观点。 本文作者以自己亲身的演出和制作经验,运用文字、图像、谱例等描述打击乐和电子音乐结合的可能性和优势,对现阶段国内的打击乐发展另辟一条新的方向,并希望电子音乐的加入,能丰富当今打击乐的表演形式,也为国内打击乐的曲目写作方面提供新的思想和理念。
[Abstract]:With the development of today's music and percussion as an important part of instrumental music, with the rapid development of.20 century, percussion music has shown great development trend in the past more than 100 years. Composers and performers have continuously studied and developed percussion instruments in order to get different tone colors, making percussion music from musical instruments and music. The types of instruments are becoming more and more diverse. Electronic music, which has been developed as the beginning of the twentieth Century, is also born for the pursuit of different music and tone colors. Because of the particularity of percussion and electronic music, it is possible to combine percussion and electronic music as a possibility and a novel form of music.
This article will explain why percussion and electronic music combine and how to combine percussion with electronic music in two chapters. The first chapter, through the explanation and illustration of the noun, explains why the percussion and the electronic music are combined with the present form of music. The second chapter of the author from the performance and the composing The two main aspects of the production of percussion and electronic music are discussed. In the form of the performance, the solo and the assisting play two points are described. In the solo, the performance form and the composing skills of the percussion and electronic music
The author, with his own personal performance and production experience, describes the possibility and advantage of the combination of percussion and electronic music by using words, images, and musical compositions, and gives a new direction to the development of percussion at the present stage, and hopes that the addition of electronic music will enrich the form of the present percussion and the music of the domestic percussion. New ideas and ideas are provided in the writing of the eyes.
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