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发布时间:2018-07-26 16:13
【摘要】: 本文运用比较的方法,将有出土资料记载的石磬,按照形制、纹饰等形态要素对之进行了新的分类。这种分类着眼于石磬本体的形制、纹饰、铭文、音律等要素,将其分为“模糊型石磬”、“变革型石磬”、“稳定型石磬”、“美饰型石磬”。依据这种分类法对石磬发展、变化作出了细致的分析,总结了各个类型石磬的特点:1)“模糊型石磬”的形制变化多样,呈迥异的个性,有的跟器主的喜好有很大关系;有的则反映了早期石磬图腾崇拜的主题,纹饰以粗线形式阴刻描摹动物的形象,只有一例有“纪事”类的铭文,音高上尚无绝对音高可言,可见这一类型石磬是以祭祀性礼器的用途为主。2)“变革型石磬”形制变化仍然很多,但已有明显的趋势,即在向股鼓、倨句分明的方向发展;纹饰依然以线条的阴刻为主,但线条细腻些,有着色朱漆的探索;在铭文的发展上,以“纪事”为内容,但字数增多;开始出现编磬,但由于没有调音技术的支持,这些编磐只能算特磬的组合。3)“稳定型石磬”在形制上较统一、规范:股鼓、倨句清晰,,结构比例合理,底边有明显的因调音而出现的内凹弧形,但这种“稳定”亦是一个动态的发展过程,形制上的“定形”要早于音列上的“定形”。纹饰上仍继续沿着线条阴刻的手法发展,但比较注意构图,线条的流畅性也增强了,且开始出现彩绘和乐律铭文;编磬在这一类型上获得了高度发展,音列成熟,三音列以“徵—宫—商”模式为主,强调的是纯四度和大二度的音程关系。四音列以“宫—角—徵—羽”为主。五声音阶排列以“宫、商、角、徵、羽”模式为主,以“徵、羽、宫、商、角”模式为辅。4)“美饰型石磬” 形制又开始多样化,这种多样以突出石磬的装饰性为出发点,其中以折尺形的对称形制为主,并有各种变形体,清宫系列石磬有稳定型石磬的某些形制特点,但从用途上看,已经完全不同了;纹饰是这一类型石磬的主题,可能表达了器主的喜好或图腾祭祀的信仰;铭文以“歌功颂德”的“纪事”为主,偶有乐律铭文,但已名不符实了;这一类型石磬有音高调节的能力,但没有调节的意图,这表明石磬已失去了音乐的功能意义,又回到了礼器的用途上,这一次“回归”注定了它衰败的必然趋势。 这样分类还有助于探索石磬形态的发展线索:形制上:多样→统一→多样;纹饰上:粗线描摹→细线描绘、着色→金线描绘、注重构图;铭文上:“纪事”→“纪事”、“乐律”(音乐) →“纪事”、“乐律”(祭祀);音律上:无绝对音高→有音列→音列混乱。
[Abstract]:In this paper, a new classification of stone chimes with unearthed materials is made according to the morphological elements such as shape and decoration. This kind of classification focuses on the shape, decoration, inscription, rhythm and other elements of the stone chime. It is classified as "fuzzy stone chime", "revolutionary stone chime", "stable stone chime", "beautiful decoration stone chime". According to this kind of classification, the development and change of stone chime are analyzed in detail, and the characteristics of each type stone chime are summarized: (1) the shape of "fuzzy stone chime" is varied, and some have different personality, some of which have great relation with the preference of object owner; Some reflect the theme of the early stone chime totem worship. The ornaments depict the images of animals in the form of thick lines. There is only one inscription in the "Chronicle" category, and there is no absolute pitch on the pitch. It can be seen that this type of stone chime is mainly used for sacrificial ritual objects (.2) the shape of the "revolutionary stone chime" is still changing a lot, but there has been a clear trend, that is, in the direction of moving toward the femoral drum and in the clear direction of the jubilant sentence; the pattern is still dominated by the shady engraving of the lines. But the lines were finer, and there was an exploration of stained ink paint; in the development of the inscription, the chronicle was used as the content, but the number of words increased; the chime began to appear, but without the support of the tuning technology, The "stable stone chime" is more uniform in shape and standard: the drum is clear, the structure is reasonable, and the bottom edge is marked by concave arcs due to sound modulation. But this stability is also a dynamic development process. The pattern still continued to develop along the line shaded, but more attention was paid to composition, and the fluency of the lines also increased, and began to appear in color painting and music inscriptions; the chime had gained a high degree of development in this type, and the sound lines had matured. The trisyllabic series is based on the pattern of "sign-gong-quotient", emphasizing the relationship between pure four degrees and two degrees. The four-tone column is mainly "Gong-angle-sign-feather". The pentatonic scale is arranged mainly in the pattern of "palace, quotient, horn, sign, feather", supplemented by "sign, feather, palace, quotient, angle" pattern.) the pattern of "beautiful ornament stone chime" begins to diversify again. This diversity starts from the decorative nature of the stone chime. Among them, the symmetrical shape of the zigzag is dominant, and it has all kinds of deformations.The Qing Palace series stone chime has some shape characteristics of the stable stone chime, but from the point of view of its use, it is already completely different; the decoration is the theme of the stone chime of this type. It may have expressed the preference of the vessel owner or the belief in totem sacrifice; the inscription is mainly the "Chronicle" of "singing achievements and praising morality", and occasionally there is an inscription of music and law, but the name is no longer true; this type of stone chime has the ability to adjust the pitch, but has no intention of adjusting it. This indicates that the stone chime has lost the functional significance of music and has returned to the use of ritual objects. This "return" doomed the inevitable trend of its decline. This sort of classification also helps to explore the development clues of the stone chime shape: in shape, in various forms and in unity and diversity; in ornamentation, in the description of coarse lines, in the painting of gold lines, and in focusing on composition; and in inscriptions, "Chronicle" and "Chronicle," the inscription: "Chronicle" and "Chronicle." "Music" (music) "Chronicle", "Music Law" (sacrifice); in rhythm: there is no absolute pitch, there is a series of sounds disorder.


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