[Abstract]:Ouyang Xiu's later music aesthetic thought began to expand to the theory of music health preservation. In his later years, Ouyang Xiu was eager to find spiritual comfort from the aesthetic of music and to explore the mystery between music and physical and mental health. While insisting on his medium term "light harmony" and "quaint" musical aesthetic point of view, he had a deeper understanding of the music at the same time. The aesthetic function is further expanded from the previous focus on the mind to the attention to the body, thus forming the content of the theory of health preservation. In the aspect of the form of music health preservation, the author highly extolled "self-play", advocated that "mind" and "body" should be treated simultaneously in the function of music health preservation; In the aesthetic content of music health, the spirit of "amusing oneself", that is, music "," in the person is not in the device, if have the heart to adapt, there is no string can also. " In other words, "in person is not in the device" clearly means that the basis of the aesthetic taste of music lies in the state of mind.
【作者单位】: 江苏教育学院南京学前教育分院;
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