“江西省推行音乐教育委员会”研究 1933-1946
本文关键词: 20世纪30年代 江西省推行音乐教育委员会 音乐教育 出处:《首都师范大学》2009年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 本文对江西省推行音乐教育委员会进行研究。江西省推行音乐教育委员会1933年成立于南昌,1944年由于战乱、经费不足在赣州解散,1946年江西省推行音乐教育委员会在南昌复建,同年由于政府实施紧缩案被裁撤,历时十三年。本文对这个组织的产生、经历的不同阶段进行研究,内容包括江西省推行音乐教育委员会的产生背景、组织机构,以及主要工作研究。 1933年至1938年,江西省推行音乐教育委员会驻扎于南昌,下设的组织有:江西省民众娱乐指导委员会、戏剧组、音乐研究组、合唱队、钢琴班、提琴班、口琴班,主要活动包括推行学校音乐教育、调查和培养音乐师资、改造和控制民众的音乐生活、创办《音乐教育》杂志。抗日战争爆发后,江西省推行音乐教育委员会组织抗日歌咏话剧团,开展群众歌咏活动,宣传抗战。1938年至1944年,由于战争形势,江西省推行音乐教育委员会从南昌撤退,先后在江西吉安、遂川、泰和、赣州地区,开展群众歌咏活动,利用音乐、戏剧的艺术形式进行抗战宣传,并筹办了两期音乐师资训练班。抗日战争胜利后,1946年江西省推行音乐教育委员会在南昌复建,为了筹集复建经费举办了一些音乐会,几个月后,江西省推行音乐教育委员会被裁撤。 本文通过对江西省推行音乐教育委员会的研究,考察20世纪30、40年代江西省的学校音乐教育情况、南昌的民众音乐生活以及在中西方音乐文化的碰撞下南昌这座有着悠久传统文化的中国内陆城市,其音乐文化发生了哪些鲜为人知的变化。通过本研究帮助人们了解近代中国学校音乐教育与大众音乐生活的关系,以及在社会变革过程中音乐文化权威在不同阶层中的转换。江西省推行音乐教育委员会经历的不同历史阶段和在不同政治环境下的活动,反映了中国20世纪30、40年代的社会和政治演变,是动荡的社会环境下,无论是精英阶层还是普通民众艰难处境的一个缩影。
[Abstract]:This paper makes a study on the Committee of promoting Music Education in Jiangxi Province, which was established in Nanchang on 1933, disbanded in Ganzhou on 1944 due to the war, and re-established in Nanchang on 1946. In the same year, the government austerity program was abolished, which lasted 13 years. This paper studies the emergence and different stages of the organization, including the background and organization of the implementation of the Music Education Committee in Jiangxi Province. As well as the main work research. From 1933 to 1938, the Jiangxi Provincial Music Education Committee was stationed in Nanchang, with the following organizations: Jiangxi Provincial Public Entertainment steering Committee, Drama Section, Music Research Group, Chorus, Piano Class, Viola Class, harmonica Class, The main activities include the promotion of school music education, the investigation and training of music teachers, the reform and control of the people's musical life, and the establishment of the magazine Music Education. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan, Jiangxi Province promoted the Music Education Committee to organize anti-Japanese choir troupes, to carry out mass singing activities and to publicize the War of Resistance against Japan. From 1938 to 1944, due to the war situation, Jiangxi Province pushed the Music Education Committee to withdraw from Nanchang, successively in Ji'an and Suichuan, Jiangxi Province. Taihe, Ganzhou, launched mass singing activities, used the artistic forms of music and drama to propagate the War of Resistance against Japan, and organized two music teacher training courses. After the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan, Jiangxi Province promoted the re-establishment of the Music Education Committee in Nanchang in 1946. Some concerts were held to raise money for rehabilitation, and a few months later the Jiangxi Provincial Committee for Music Education was abolished. Based on the study of the Committee of Music Education in Jiangxi Province, this paper investigates the situation of school music education in Jiangxi Province in 20th century and 1940s. Nanchang's people's music life and the collision between Chinese and Western music culture, Nanchang, a inland Chinese city with a long tradition, This study helps people to understand the relationship between school music education and popular music life in modern China. And the transformation of musical cultural authority among different classes in the process of social transformation. The activities of Jiangxi Province in implementing the Music Education Commission at different historical stages and in different political environments, It reflects the social and political evolution of China in 20th century and 1940s. It is a microcosm of the difficult situation of the elite and ordinary people in the turbulent social environment.
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