本文关键词: 少数民族音乐研究 民族志书写 仪式音声民族志 解释学文本建构 出处:《南京艺术学院学报(音乐与表演版)》2009年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Ethnography is the basic method of ethnic music research. The writing practice of ethnography is an effective way to grasp the true meaning of various theories. At the turn of the century, it is the product of the rhetorical dilemma of the humanities discipline. Participated in the exploration of the ethnographic text of hermeneutics: the "deep description of the behavior" of the ethnography of the ritual sound, which is constructed from the oral text, the written text and the on-the-spot text, and the "meaning interpretation text" of the ritual tone ethnography, which is interpreted by the ethnographic behavior, The writing experiment of hermeneutics ethnography has made the author obtain: a kind of observation angle of view that is the text mutually, a kind of role idea that interprets mutually. A method of interpretation of in-depth description and a discovery-in the text of meaning interpretation, when "phonetic symbols" show the structural significance of symbolic symbols and the process of external behavior at the concrete level of ritual. When the image level of belief reveals the cognitive significance of symbolic symbols and internal cultural concepts, "ritual sound" (music) is a cultural symbol which combines "behavior symbol" and "meaning symbol". It can not only explain a characteristic knowledge system from representation system to meaning system, but also melt the astringent combination of musicology and anthropology in metaphysical meaning pursuit.
【作者单位】: 星海音乐学院音乐研究所;
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