发布时间:2018-03-31 06:35
本文选题:新民歌 切入点:民族声乐 出处:《云南艺术学院》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 民族声乐艺术伴随着中国民族文化的发展大约已有五千多年的历史。在这个悠久的历史长河中,民族声乐艺术不断发展更替,在每个不同的时代背景下都留下了深深的历史烙印。发展至今,已到了一个多元交叉的局面。在这个多元发展的时代,各种不同风格的音乐并存,传统民歌与现代创作民族歌曲既相互影响又各自发展。不同新的音乐形式不断出现,代表新风尚的“新民歌”,独树一帜,广受大众欢迎。这种歌曲形式,将民族风格与流行、通俗特征相结合,在立足传统的基础上更多的体现现代、时尚、流行、通俗,具有现代审美取向,迎合了新时代背景下人们新的审美心理与需求;这种歌曲形式在现阶段已经有蓬勃发展的趋势,也可以说是现阶段民族声乐艺术领域的一个新现象。本文就从新民歌的发展看民族声乐多元化的构建进行研究,通过分析总结出:新民歌是新时代社会经济发展,人们生活水平提高,审美观念改变的必然产物;新民歌不管是在中国还是在世界已经发展成为一种潮流趋势;新民歌有广阔的发展前景;新民歌的发展促进民族声乐构建真正的高层次的多元化。对待新时代的新民歌,我们该有客观、正确的认识。它是时代发展的必然产物,是民族声乐艺术与时俱进的结果,是新时代音乐领域的创新,我们应该给予鼓励。
[Abstract]:With the development of Chinese national culture, the art of national vocal music has a history of more than five thousand years.In this long history, the national vocal music art continues to develop and replace, leaving a deep historical imprint under the background of each different times.To date, the development has reached a multi-faceted situation.In this pluralistic development era, different styles of music coexist, traditional folk songs and modern folk songs both influence each other and develop separately.Different new forms of music, representing the new style of "new folk songs", unique, popular welcome.This form of song combines national style with popular and popular features, and embodies modern, fashionable, popular, popular and modern aesthetic orientation on the basis of tradition.It caters to the new aesthetic psychology and needs of people under the background of the new era, this kind of song form has already had the vigorous development tendency at the present stage, can also be said to be a new phenomenon in the field of the national vocal music art at the present stage.This paper studies the construction of the diversity of national vocal music from the perspective of the development of new folk songs, and concludes that the new folk songs are the inevitable outcome of the social and economic development of the new era, the improvement of people's living standards and the change of aesthetic concepts;Whether in China or in the world, the new folk song has developed into a trend; the new folk song has a broad development prospects; the development of the new folk song promotes the national vocal music to build a real high-level diversity.We should have an objective and correct understanding of the new folk songs of the new era.It is the inevitable outcome of the development of the times, the result of the national vocal music art keeping pace with the times, and the innovation in the field of music in the new era, which we should encourage.
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