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发布时间:2018-05-15 03:38

  本文选题:鼓吹乐 + 乐手 ; 参考:《青岛大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 徐百乾是活跃在胶州地区的一位民间鼓吹乐手。从其出身于鼓吹乐世家;少年时期耳濡目染民间传统鼓吹乐;青年时代参军在部队又接受专业音乐教育并最终转业再回乡土的人生历程中,勾勒出了新一代民间乐手在接受家族教育和社会教育的基础上,接受传统音乐文化再教育的全过程。徐百乾将鼓吹乐与乡民的仪式活动、娱乐活动以及政府举办的文艺活动相结合,并在胶州及其周边地区为民间仪式提供音乐服务中,使自己立于了不可替代的地位,也正是这些普通的乐手靠家族的传承延续着鼓吹乐的生命。徐百乾从艺的人生历程、参加的音乐活动,以及乐手、鼓吹乐、仪式三者之间的密切联系,展示了胶州地区民间鼓吹乐手的共性特征,并得出乐手作为民间鼓吹乐的鲜活载体,从乐班的组织情况、乐手的演奏特点、乐曲的地方特色等方面无不承载着保护、传承和弘扬传统音乐文化的重任。从乐队演奏上看,乐手以差序的方式组成乐班;以管子或唢呐为主奏乐器辅以笙、二胡、小镲、小扁鼓和大杆号等,形成乐队的编制和演奏形式;以传统鼓吹乐曲、戏曲和歌曲为主的乐曲演奏类型;演奏中运用加花、加字与减字等手法对乐曲进行变化发展;乐曲中大量使用的C宫调和G宫调,五正声外使用清角、变宫两个偏音的宫调系统以及用上、六等工尺谱字两两组合标记调名的手法等等,都充分显示了以徐百乾为代表的民间乐手对中国传统音乐的传承和发展所起到的内在推动作用。
[Abstract]:Xu Baiqian is an active folk trumpeter in Jiaozhou. From his origins in the family of advocating music; in his youth, when he joined the army and received professional music education in the army and finally returned to his native land after receiving professional music education, It outlines the whole process of the new generation folk musicians receiving the re-education of traditional music culture on the basis of family education and social education. Xu Baiqian combined the ritual activities of advocating music with those of villagers, entertainment activities and cultural activities organized by the government, and made himself irreplaceable in providing music services for folk ceremonies in and around Jiaozhou. It is these ordinary musicians who continue the life of advocating music by the inheritance of the family. Xu Baiqian's life course, music activities, and the close relationship among musicians, preaching music and ceremony show the common characteristics of folk preaching musicians in Jiaozhou area, and draw the conclusion that musicians are the fresh carriers of folk preaching music. The organization of music classes, the playing characteristics of musicians, the local characteristics of music bear the burden of protecting, inheriting and carrying forward the traditional music culture. From the point of view of the band, the musicians organized the music classes in a different order; played the musical instruments mainly with pipes or suona accompanied by Sheng, erhu, small cymbals, small flat drums and big trumpets, etc., formed the form of composition and performance of the band; and advocated the music with tradition. Opera and song-based music performance types; the use of additional flowers, word addition and subtraction in performance to change and develop the music; the C and G tunes, which are used extensively in music; and the use of clear horns outside the five positive sounds, The system of changing the two deviated sounds of the Gong Gong and the techniques of marking the dionyms by using the six-level scale, spectrum and character combination, etc. Both fully show that the folk musicians represented by Xu Baiqian play an intrinsic role in promoting the inheritance and development of Chinese traditional music.


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