[Abstract]:The first decades of Romanticism were the confluence of classicism and romanticism, and the first generation of composers still had classicist ideas, and composers tried to reconcile classical forms with romantic emotions. They absorbed and applied many factors of the classical period, and continued the previous creative techniques. Especially after Mendelssohn conducted and performed Bach's "Matthew's Passion" in 1829, Romantic composers emulated their predecessors to create oratorios and fugue works, and a large number of retro works appeared in form. Mendelssohn's fugue is the product of the musical transition in the romantic period, and it is the work of the composer expressing his inner feelings in the classical form. This paper attempts to analyze Mendelssohn's "six Piano Preludes and Fugue" OP.35 from four aspects, hoping to have a more comprehensive and objective understanding of this set of works. The first chapter introduces Mendelssohn's musical life and the environmental factors of the formation of the artistic view, and has a comprehensive understanding of Mendelssohn's own music growth path and background environment of music creation. The second chapter expounds the origin and development of the prelude and fugue, including the prelude, the fugue and the combination of the prelude and fugue, and then discusses Mendelssohn's prelude and fugue. The aesthetic value and structural characteristics of this genre are summarized. Chapter three analyzes and studies Mendelssohn's "six Piano Preludes and Fugue" OP.35 from the aspects of classical characteristics and romantic style, and proves that this set of works has the duality of classical and romantic style. In the last chapter, the author analyzes the first one of Mendelssohn's Prelude and Fugue in OP.35 in detail, and gives teaching hints from the aspects of the composition and performance of this work.
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