[Abstract]:The development of social economy needs many aspects of accumulation to support, and culture and art is an indispensable link. How to explore the origin of more music culture-"original ecology" music, especially the music art of ethnic minorities, is the most important. Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Hunan Province has a large minority population, mainly Tujia and Miao residence. Tujia as one of the main ethnic groups, in this land has undergone natural development changes, has multiplied for thousands of years. Because of the particularity of landform and landform, the ancient culture is rich and diverse. With the development of society and the improvement of people's living standard, the demand for culture and art is more extensive and urgent. Since the National Young TV Singer Grand Prix of CCTV set up the "original Ecology" singing program, many unknown original folk music have been brought onto the stage of television, which has attracted people's attention. For the national art blooming opened up the situation. And to the national folk ancient culture excavation and the inquiry becomes more and more urgent. In the mountains of western Hunan, there are many beautiful forms of musical art, which are not only loved by the local people, but also irresistible to the people outside the mountains. From the point of view of ethnomusicology, this paper analyzes the collected data through field investigation. This paper summarizes the preservation and development of Tujia folk music in western Hunan. Starting with the origin of Tujia folk music in western Hunan, this paper analyzes the typical musical art forms, such as crying and marrying, waving songs, pounding quine, beating slips and so on, through the introduction of national customs and religious beliefs. It is influenced by the natural environment, combined with religion, the origin of music, the combination of music carrier and music itself, as well as the expression of music characteristics. To explain the aesthetic value of music. Through the superficial nature of things, to recognize the inherent charm of national music.
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