本文关键词: 竹笛演奏艺术 香港地区 发展 传承 研究 出处:《上海音乐学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:This paper takes the inheritance and development of Chinese bamboo flute in Hong Kong as the research object, starting from 1950s. At the end of 50s, the traditional bamboo flute music from mainland China was introduced into Hong Kong through various channels. With the spread of amateur groups and radio programs, the art of playing bamboo flute began to be popular and aroused concern. In 70s, after the reform and opening up of the mainland, the cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and the mainland began to frequent. Bamboo flute players from the mainland settled in Hong Kong. In 1981, master Luk Chun-ling, a master of the southern bamboo flute school, gave his first solo concert in Hong Kong, which opened the way for the exchange of bamboo flute performance between Hong Kong and the mainland. Since then, a large number of bamboo flute players and educators have come to Hong Kong to lecture and perform, promoting the development of bamboo flute art in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, the Hong Kong Music Office and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts have been established one after another. It also promotes the inheritance and development of Chinese bamboo flute in Hong Kong. So far, the research on this subject is still the first. I think this research has important significance and research value for the inheritance and further development of Chinese bamboo flute playing art in Hong Kong in 21th century.
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