本文选题:幼师 切入点:音乐教学 出处:《东北师范大学》2005年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:基础教育国家音乐课程标准(实验稿)在“课程价值”中指示:创造是艺术发展的根本动力,是艺术教育功能和价值的重要体现。创造性教学必将成为今后音乐教学及其他学科发展的方向。创造教育是知识经济社会的必然取向,作为全部教育之基础的学前教育,其核心的职能就是既要保障每个儿童适应现实的社会,更要保障他们适应并创造未来的社会。只有具备创造素质的幼儿教师,才能培养出具有创新能力的儿童。 关于创造型教师问题,国内外专家学者有过许多阐述。其中,美国创造性教育权威史密斯认为:“创造型教师是吸取教育科学提供的新知识,在课堂教学中积极加以运用,并能发展新的实际方法的人。”这一定义与创造性教育密切相关,涉及到创造型教师的本质方面,有一定权威性。当然,幼儿教师与一般教师有其相 同点,也有自己的特殊性。我认为:“创造型幼儿教师是具备创造性教育思想,善于独立获取知识,并能灵活 运用到现实工作中,努力培养幼儿进行创造性的独立活动能力的人。”它是培养创造性人才的关键。 本论文将以“创造性”学习理论为依据,通过本人的教学实践和幼师学生学习心理的研究分析,结合幼师所开设的各音乐学科的特点,注重与幼儿园实际音乐教学的联系,探讨如何在主体课堂教学环境下对学生进行创造能力的培养,使幼师学生更加热爱自己的工作,胜任自己的工作。我国开展创造性教育属于起步阶段,而在中等师范学校音乐教学中创造力培养的研究更少。正因如此,笔者抛砖引玉,希望中等师范学校创造性教学的研究能够得到广泛重视,有更多的教育同人参与进来,对基础教育之基础的幼儿音乐教育起到促进作用。
[Abstract]:The National Music Curriculum Standard for basic Education (experimental draft) indicates in "Curriculum value" that creation is the fundamental driving force for the development of art. Creative teaching will become the development direction of music teaching and other disciplines in the future. Creative education is the inevitable orientation of knowledge economy society and the foundation of all education. Its core function is not only to ensure that every child adapts to the real society, but also to ensure that they adapt to and create the future society. There have been many expositions on creative teachers at home and abroad. Among them, the American creative education authority Smith believes: "Creative teachers absorb the new knowledge provided by the science of education and actively apply it in classroom teaching." People who can develop new practical methods. "this definition is closely related to creative education and has certain authority over the nature of creative teachers. Of course, kindergarten teachers and teachers in general have their own common points," he said. I believe that creative preschool teachers have creative educational ideas, are good at acquiring knowledge independently, and can be used flexibly in practical work. It is the key to cultivate creative talents. Based on the "creative" learning theory, this paper will pay attention to the relationship with the actual music teaching in kindergarten through the teaching practice and the study and analysis of the students' learning psychology, combined with the characteristics of the music subjects offered by the kindergarten teachers. This paper discusses how to cultivate the creative ability of the students in the main classroom teaching environment so as to make the students of kindergarten teachers love their own work and be competent in their own work. The development of creative education in our country belongs to the initial stage. However, there is less research on the cultivation of creativity in the music teaching of the secondary normal schools. Therefore, the author offers some inspiration and hopes that the research on creative teaching in the secondary normal schools can be given extensive attention, and that more students will participate in the study of creative teaching in the secondary normal schools. On the basis of basic education of early childhood music education plays a role in promoting.
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