[Abstract]:Due to the different nature of education, the teaching contents, teaching methods and teaching emphases will be different between the major music colleges and the normal colleges. Professional music colleges and universities, its goal is to train musicians, so professional music colleges and universities of music teaching activities, professional projects, complete, detailed division of labor; in the professional requirements of the system, dedicated, profound, high standard. Therefore, their music teaching structure is huge and complex. The goal of music major in normal colleges is to train music educators. Normal college music graduates, after graduation, most of them are music teachers in primary and middle schools, not professional performers and singers. Therefore, the teaching tenets put forward by normal colleges are also for basic education and quality education. Although both major music colleges and normal colleges should take music as the teaching content and they also have some similar teaching activities, their music teaching structure has essential differences. The music major in normal colleges has quite strong selectivity, and in the professional requirements, it will not be as deep and single-minded as the specialized music colleges, but rather it should develop in the direction of multi-ability, extensive and comprehensive. Therefore, music majors in normal colleges should have distinct normal characteristics in teaching contents, teaching methods and teaching emphases, and should not blindly imitate professional music colleges and deviate from the reality of normal education. As far as piano teaching is concerned, many students are zero basis when they enter the school, which requires teachers to train students in a short period of time. Teaching content can focus on the following aspects: 1. Practice of basic skills and elementary practical skills 2. Works involving different genres and styles. Accompaniment, recital and other aspects of the practice of teaching methods can be used. Group class, individual class, impromptu accompaniment class, recital class and so on. Emphasis should be placed on the cultivation of students' ability to work independently and their ability to express themselves, and on the training of practical skills in the field of skills.
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